Racing Hard (Dirt Track Dogs Book 4)
they’d always go through it together had held.
    And they weren’t alone. They had the pack. For backup, they had her clan. And they were going to visit Surge’s mother in the morning. Being a dad had gone a long way to helping him forgive her bad decisions. He understood how far a parent would go to do what they thought was best for their young. Their relationship wasn’t perfect yet, but they were getting there.
    Even Owyn had taken to Grace, demanding he be referred to as Uncle Owyn. To which Surge countered that by calling him Uncle Badass Who Will Cut Anyone Who Messes With His Niece.
    They’d shaken on it.
    And they had Destiny. She’d made a full recovery from their ordeal. Physically anyway. It would take time, but she was learning how to trust the pack and how to live by their ways. There was a lot of love in that tough outer shell. She proved it every time she cared for Grace. Every time she looked at Tana with zero contempt for what had happened to her mother.
    Surge broke their kiss, giving her a lazy smile. “Alright, alright. How am I supposed to set a good example for our girl when you’re over here lookin’ so sexy? Hmm?” He gripped her hip, squeezing.
    “You’re setting a perfect example.” She kissed the corner of his mouth, right where his dimple was. “She’s going to know exactly what to look for when it comes to a mate. She’ll know not to settle for an asshole. That’s the best example you could set.”
    Surge frowned looking deeply disturbed.
    “What is it?”
    “I have this urge to annihilate any male that comes near her and she’s still just a baby. What the fuck will we do about that ?”
    Tana arched an eyebrow. “I have an idea.”
    “I’m listening.”
    “It’s simple. We pretend you’re crazy.”
    Surge’s eyes went wide, his mouth quirking as he nodded. “Aw, yesssss. That’s smart shit, right there.” He tipped his head back, cackling with glee.
    “Yeah, like that,” Tana laughed. “Except even crazier. Give me your most insane laugh. And make it a little maniacal too.”
    Surge gave her exactly what she asked for, and maybe even took it a step further when he added crazy eyes to the mix. Yeah, no male would come around with that all up in his face.
    “What the hell are you guys doing? Don’t you know there’s a race going on?” Drake called to them from the fence.
    “Important shit,” Surge informed him. “We’re coming up with ways to keep males away from Gracie.”
    Drake crooked an eyebrow. “Carry on, then.”
    Surge bent his head, placing a sweet kiss on Grace’s cheek. “You’re never mating,” he cooed. “Never ever, ever. You’ll see.”
    Tana laughed like a villain, and Surge glanced at her, shocked. “What’s that?”
    She shrugged. “I’ll be crazy too. Twice the crazy, twice the effect, yeah?”
    “My god, woman. I love the way you think.” He kissed her lips. “Scratch that, I love you . Everything about you.”
    His confession brought a smile to her face. “How do you know?”
    He sighed. “Because. Love is the feeling you get when you like something as much as dirt track racing, and I’ve just missed most of Diz’s run.” He dropped a kiss on her nose. “Don’t regret a second.”
    “I love you too, Surge.”
    His gaze was full of adoration. She’d never get used to the way he looked at her, or how it made her feel inside. How it washed away all the old and made life shiny and new.
    “How do you know?”
    “Because. When I think about life without you, it’s just a pile of broken parts. Together, we make a masterpiece. And because last night when you were doing that thing with your tongue I kept screaming your name followed by ‘dying happy’ and ‘do it again’.”
    Surge threw his head back in a laugh. “Proof positive, right there, baby girl.”
    And they laughed and laughed… happily ever after.
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