Quest for a Killer

Quest for a Killer by Alanna Knight

Book: Quest for a Killer by Alanna Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alanna Knight
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‘Same place, same method. Unless it was a suicide pact and that seems unlikely, particularly with the absence of notes – unusual given the circumstances. For one, an imminent marriage, for the other, a disabled grandfather.’ He paused. ‘Surely the police have murder in mind? Isn’t your lady investigator’s mind intrigued?’
    When I told him of Jack’s suggestion that I carry on an unofficial investigation, he almost applauded, and not only for the detection idea either, I was sure. His imagination was bounding ahead to the closeness this would bring and a happy partnership on quite a different level.
    I switched off his enthusiastic comments and told him about my new friend Elma and her husband’s unfortunate accident.
    ‘I believe you met them at Balmoral.’
    ‘Felix Miles Rice. Of course, I remember him very well. A great wit and a reputation as a philanthropist. Got along splendidly with HM. Bags of charm, don’t you think?’
    ‘I haven’t had the pleasure. But Elma obviouslyadores him. I gather this is a very happy second marriage.’
    Vince gave me a wry look. ‘I hate to disappoint you, but I think you gather wrong, my dear. About the adoration, I mean. From personal experience this was not the impression we got at Balmoral. She seemed to be anxious to avoid him and it was, I suspected, mutual. A good front for the natives, but behind the scenes…’ He paused and shook his head.
    ‘Rubbish!’ I said shortly. ‘What you witnessed might have been just a domestic tiff, everyone has them. Even you and Olivia.’
    He grinned. ‘Don’t I just know that! All married couples have rows,’ and shaking his head, ‘but not this. This gave an impression that it was somehow rooted, long-standing.’ He shrugged. ‘The frequent dark look, the sharp word, the scornful rejoinder – the indifference.’
    ‘What nonsense,’ I said, ‘all based on a few hours acquaintance. I’m sure you’re wrong, and anyway, I prefer to take Elma’s word.’
    He nodded. ‘Your choice, as always. What about Felix?’
    When I gave a few brief details of the accident, I could see the medical side of him take immediate possession.
    ‘Poor chap. I’ve heard of cases like this. A coma for a few days, then…’ He shrugged. ‘I wouldn’t hold out too much hope. Poor chap,’ he repeated. ‘And what of Elma? I gather there were no children.’
    ‘She has a twin brother, studying medicine. He’sbeen working at the front in South Africa.’
    Vince’s head shot up. ‘She’ll be glad to have him at her side, have his support through this difficult time.’
    As I valued Vince’s opinion, I went into further details about the accident, the discovery by his valet and so on.
    ‘What did the doctors say about the heart attack?’
    So I told him about the excellent health record.
    He frowned and seemed to come to a sudden decision. ‘Do you know, I’d very much like to go in and take a look at him,’ he said eagerly.
    ‘I very much doubt that you would be allowed to visit him, Vince. He is under twenty-four-hour surveillance, a policeman sitting constantly at his bedside. All adding to poor Elma’s despair; naturally she wants some privacy.’
    ‘Naturally,’ Vince echoed dryly.
    I gave him a hard look.
    He smiled. ‘Obviously the police suspect that there might be more than a serious fall, especially where there is no evidence of heart disease.’
    He shrugged. ‘This could be a bad business, a very bad business for everyone concerned.’

    Our conversation was interrupted by a dog barking. Rufus was heralding Elma’s arrival. As I opened the door, Thane slid past me, ignoring the terrier’s threatening growls. Once more it was as if Rufus did not exist.
    Elma was surprised to see Vince and delighted too. And Vince was at his most charming. Before his marriage, he had a succession of unrequited loves, bemoaning his lack of success with girls – blaming his boyish appearance, his mop of fair

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