Queen of Pain (Things YouCan't Tell Mama)

Queen of Pain (Things YouCan't Tell Mama) by D T Pollard

Book: Queen of Pain (Things YouCan't Tell Mama) by D T Pollard Read Free Book Online
Authors: D T Pollard
D T Pollard
    Follow D T Pollard https://twitter.com/dtpollard
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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
    Copyright October 2013
    Danny T. Pollard
    Original non-text Image used on cover by
    Published and used under the following license:
    This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
    Completed cover image authored by
    Danny T Pollar d
    Tara was walking down the thirty two steps from the second floor of the twenty thousand square foot mansion that she called her primary residence in The Hamptons, New York when the incoming text alert on her phone sounded. Tara knew it was from her husband who on his way to Europe on business and she paused to read the message. The smile Tara had on her face from hearing the unique text tone she had selected for Brandon’s incoming messages slowly dissolved into an expression of puzzlement and shock.
                  “Tara, I regret to inform you that I have filed for divorce and you will be receiving formal notification from my attorneys. The terms of our prenuptial agreement will be followed to the letter,” Brandon.
    Thirty-one year old Tara Wilson Larson blankly stared at the text message on the screen of her phone in disbelief. Brandon Larson, her billionaire technology tycoon of a husband had just dispatched her and their marriage as quickly as he would dismiss a product idea he didn’t endorse. It had all came down to two sentences of black text displayed inside a gray speech bubble displayed on her mobile phone’s touch screen. Was she supposed to reply to this, Tara thought? What kind of cold-hearted bastard sends a text message to his wife telling her that he was divorcing her after they had passionately made love the night before? Brandon Larson would because that’s the world he lived in. What a cowardly, spineless and heartless man, Tara thought, and she never knew it until that moment that was now time and date stamped on her phone and in her mind. It was on a Monday at eleven twenty two in the morning the time stamp displayed.
    Suddenly the sprawling mansion in The Hamptons where Tara lived with her husband, when he was around, seemed to swallow her up whole. Tara was sitting on the bottom step of the spiral staircase with her bare feet resting on a cold imported black Italian marble covered floor. Tara now longed for the comforting closeness she remembered in the arms of her mother when she was a child inside the warm confines of that single-wide mobile home sitting off a blacktop road in Texas. Tears rolled down Tara’s face as she didn’t have to wonder how she got in that situation, because she knew exactly how it happened.  
    “Gary, I don’t think we should get married,” Tara said.
    “What are you talking about? We love each other. Everything is planned. You’ve picked out your dress. This is crazy! Is this some kind of prank you’re pulling on me?!” Gary said with a puzzled look on his face.
    Tara looked at Gary with tears running down her face.
    “I’m sorry Gary. I’ve fallen in love with another man. I’m sorry,” Tara said with tears flowing and her voice cracking.
    “What?! Another man, how did you fall in love with another man?! We’ve been engaged for six months! We’re supposed to be getting married in three months! What the hell is going on?! This is crazy!” Gary said with confusion.
    “Gary, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for this to happen,” Tara said as she

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