Pyramids and Promises (Omega Mu Alpha Brothers Book 2)

Pyramids and Promises (Omega Mu Alpha Brothers Book 2) by Kimberly Loth

Book: Pyramids and Promises (Omega Mu Alpha Brothers Book 2) by Kimberly Loth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Loth
chance she got.
    “Not fair.”
    He pulled her close to him. He held her tight against his body and whispered into her ear. “No, what’s not fair is you looking so unbelievably hot and me not being able to do anything about that.”
    She backed away just enough so that she could look up into his face. “Who said you can’t do anything about it?”
    His eyes bore into hers, and she thought for sure he would kiss her, and whatever this surprise he had for her would be long forgotten.
    He let go of her and took a step back. “We don’t have much time. You need to get dressed before I change my mind, and we never make it out the door.”
    Her face turned red from embarrassment. She’d just thrown herself at him, and he pushed her away. Whatever scheme he was working on was more entertaining than getting her out of her pj’s. She obviously wasn’t doing this right. Either that or he didn’t really like her like that. She thought for sure she wasn’t misreading his signals. Then again, she didn’t exactly have the best radar. Rick had been cheating on her for months before she even suspected something was wrong.
    Her hand shook a little as she pulled on her jeans and threw on an old t-shirt. She didn’t even glance in the mirror. At this point she didn’t give a damn how she looked or what he thought.
    She was thoroughly pissed when she went out into the living room to put on her shoes. Conner and Octo had made themselves comfortable on her couch, with her blanket, and for some reason that irritated her ever more. She stalked out of the apartment without even looking at either one of them. He shut the door behind her, and then she locked it.
    In the elevator, she crossed her arms and bounced on the balls of her feet. She blinked her eyes and willed the tears not to come. Octo bumped his head into her shin. He really had gotten over his bashfulness. Conner watched her. She could feel his gaze burning her skin, but she avoided his eyes. They hadn’t spoken since she came out of her bedroom.
    Ahmed held the door open for her at the car.
    “Good to see you, Miss. You are doing fine, yes?”
    “I’m tired. But thank you for asking.”
    Conner climbed in the other side. Jessica kept her eyes locked on the scenery outside her window. Everything was lit up. The people here never slept. It amazed her how much more alive the city was at night.
    Octo sat between them. Jessica tried to give him as much space as possible. However, he was a big dog, and he didn’t appear to like the tension. He lay down with his feet pushing on Conner and his head in Jessica’s lap. His deep, soulful eyes looked up at her, and she melted. At the very least, she couldn’t stay mad at Octo. She scratched behind his ears, and he let out a hefty sigh.
    “Lazy beast,” muttered Conner.
    They drove down the corniche and over a bridge. They hit some traffic on the other side, and Ahmed laid on his horn and drove five miles an hour, inching around other cars, muttering darkly in rapid Arabic. Jessica closed her eyes and wondered what on earth she was doing.
    Conner laid a hand on her shoulder. She didn’t bother to acknowledge it. She felt the seat shift as he scooted closer to her.
    “Hey, I’m sorry if I upset you.”
    She sighed and finally turned to look at him. “I’m just embarrassed.”
    He creased his eyebrows. “Why?”
    She snorted. “Why? Really? Conner, I just threw myself at you, and you turned me down. That’s a little humiliating.”
    She looked up to the driver’s seat to see if Ahmed would react to that, but he seemed more concerned with the cars around him.
    Conner met her gaze, his eyes dancing. “The night is still young. Plus, be glad that I had self-control. Otherwise you would miss the surprise, and you’d be pretty angry if you missed this.”
    Jessica wasn’t sure if she felt relieved yet or not. “What are we doing?”
    “Not telling. But all bets are off after this.” Conner tried to

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