PUSH: Persevere Until Success Happens Through Prayer

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Book: PUSH: Persevere Until Success Happens Through Prayer by Cindy Trimm Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Trimm
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magnetic field. In this “conditioned space,” we’ve raised the gauge symmetry from the U{1} Gauge to something approximating what is called the SU{2} Gauge. Very big effects…. That says that we are producing domains of order in the vacuum! 46
    What this basically means is that a law of physics has been changed in this space. Tiller has shown that the order thus created in the vacuum is affected by human intent, proving that the power of the vacuum can actually be harnessed through our consciousness. 47
    Quantum mechanics and relativity theory are the two prime theoretical constructs of modern physics, and for quantum mechanics and relativity theory to be internally self-consistent, their calculations require that the vacuum must contain an energy density 1094 grams per cubic centimeter. 48
    In other words, if you multiply the volume of a single hydrogen atom by the average mass density of the cosmos, you will discover that within the amount of vacuum contained in this hydrogen atom there is, according to this calculation, “almost a trillion times as much energy as in all of the stars and all of the planets out to a radius of 20 billion light years!” 49 He continues:
    If human consciousness can interact with that even a little bit, it can change things in matter. Because the ground state energies of all particles have that energy level due to their interaction with this stuff of the vacuum. So if you can shift that stuff of the vacuum, change its degree of order or coherence even a little bit, you can change the ground state energies of particles, atoms, molecules, and chemical equations. 50
    Our future, Dr. Tiller is telling us, lies in harnessing the energies that lie hidden in the spaces between the particles, atoms, molecules, planets, stars, and galaxies of the physical universe. “Matter as we know it,” Tiller concludes poetically, “is hardly a fragrance of a whisper.” 51
    Our minds truly do act as the wombs of creation. What we see as the inalterable physical universe is but a ripple in God’s imagination echoing His intentions. God said,
“Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority”
(Genesis 1:26 AMP). Not only do we have God’s mind, but we are also His holy temple (1 Corinthians 6:19).
    I found it interesting when I studied the etymological history of the word
The ancient Sanskrit word for “temple” or “sanctuary” was the same word that was used for “womb,” carrying the connotation of a “gateway” or “portal.” The oldest oracle in Greece was named Delphi, derived from the word
, or “womb.” This is how the brilliant Swiss painter Paul Klee described the meaning of the word: “From which all functions derive their life….In the womb of nature, in the primal ground of creation, where the secret key to all things lies hidden.” 52
    Consider for a moment the possibility that the secret key to all things lies hidden in your mind—the gateway or portal, the sanctuary or birthing place of all things. That thought is pregnant with possibilities.
    So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him.
    Ah! From the soul itself must issue forth A light, a glory, a fair luminous cloud Enveloping the Earth. And from the soul itself must there be sent A sweet and potent voice, of its own birth Of all sweet sounds the life and element!

Chapter 16
    Our own physical body possesses a wisdom, which we who inhabit the body lack. We give it orders which make no sense.
    Emotion always has its roots in the unconscious and manifests itself in the body.
    D r. Deepak Chopra is a traditionally trained medical doctor as well as an expert in alternative forms of treatment and psychoneuroimmunology. He is the author of
Quantum Healing, Perfect Health

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