Purrfect Protector

Purrfect Protector by SA Welsh

Book: Purrfect Protector by SA Welsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: SA Welsh
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
loud when I can have you all to myself without a psycho lurking somewhere.”
    Kale opened the door and watched as Aleksi entered and gave the room a onceover then checked the closet and bathroom. After entering his room, Kale closed the door behind him, waiting to see what the shifter would do. The anticipation fed the tension in the air and he had to wipe his palms on his pants.
    “Loud. How loud?” Aleksi stalked toward him, totally focused on him now that the room was deemed to be safe. Kale let the shifter crowd him up against the door, laughing as the man swooped in to kiss his neck and smell his hair.
    “You always smell so good,” Aleksi said with a growl.
    Kale grabbed Aleksi’s face and brought him down close enough to kiss him. The size difference between them made Kale feel dainty but also amazingly powerful when Aleksi let him lead, even if it was for a few minutes before the cat took control again.
    Aleksi took hold of his ass and lifted him. Kale squeaked and slapped his hands on Aleksi’s shoulders to keep his balance. When they were the same height, Aleksi pinned him to the door with his heavy body.
    He nibbled on Aleksi’s bottom lip and tried to rip the shifter’s shirt off, but the buttons were stubborn little buggers and stayed where they were, stopping Kale from getting at all of Aleksi’s hard muscles and soft chest hair.
    Aleksi’s erection pressed against Kale’s and Kale wrapped his legs around the shifter’s waist to press closer. “Shirt off.”
    Kale moaned when Aleksi leaned back, shoving their fabric-covered cocks together, and ripped the shirt he was wearing apart at the seams. He threw it over his shoulder. Kale about came on the spot at the view of Aleksi’s steel-hard chest. Aleksi unzipped Kale’s coat and Kale tugged his arms free before throwing that aside too.
    “Here or bed?” Aleksi’s question penetrated his lust-filled mind.
    There was no way Kale was letting the shifter go long enough to go over to the bed.
    Kale dragged his mouth away from kissing him and play biting his way across Aleksi’s collarbone. “Here.”
    Aleksi took him at his word and wedged a hand between them to undo Kale’s pants. A part of Kale was disappointed he hadn’t worn the pants from the show, but they weren’t made for sitting in a car or being thrown against a door and debauched while carrying a hard-on solid enough to ram a hole through the wood. They were, however, made to open at all the seams. Kale knew he’d definitely be putting them on later.
    He had to lower his feet in order to step out of his pants and, when he was free of them, he kicked the offending fabric away, knocking over a lamp. Kale didn’t care. He’d get reception to charge his room for it. Right now, he had a more pressing engagement with the tasty cock hiding inside Aleksi’s pants.
    Kale attacked the belt and fly keeping him from the massive cock he was dying to taste. They had done all kinds of rubbing and stroking at Aleksi’s house and had even jerked each other off in several imaginative ways in Paris, including on the balcony, then had been ticketed by the French police for it. He was putting that damn ticket in a frame when he got home. It was the wildest thing he’d ever done. It had been the early hours of the morning and their third-floor room had overlooked a party boat on the river. Aleksi had dragged him out there after the music had changed from some weird techno mix to old-school rock anthems. After leaning precariously over the iron filigree fencing to check that no one was watching them, of course.
    When the shifter had him naked on the balcony and dancing to Addicted to Love and White Wedding, Kale had gone along with it a bit apprehensively. But once Aleksi had kissed him, all that had gone away. Before Kale’s brain had caught up with him, the shifter had been playing his body like a finely tuned instrument. He’d ended up coming to Livin’ on a Prayer and hotel security banging on

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