Punked by the Pumpkin: A Cozy Mystery (Sweet Home Mystery Series Book 4)

Punked by the Pumpkin: A Cozy Mystery (Sweet Home Mystery Series Book 4) by Constance Barker

Book: Punked by the Pumpkin: A Cozy Mystery (Sweet Home Mystery Series Book 4) by Constance Barker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Constance Barker
    “It was a tough choice between first and second place, with both entries scoring all 50 points from each judge on taste and all 30 points from all of the judges on their creativity in the use of the pumpkin. With just one less style point overall for presentation, our second place winner of the red ribbon, for her chocolate-caramel-pecan pumpkin cheesecake flocked with pumpkin mousse, is Miss Hilda Morrissey. Hilda, please come up!”
    I looked at Eli, almost unable to contain my excitement. I was bouncing up and down and couldn’t help but give him a big hug. Eli knew just what I needed and twirled me around like a little girl. Or maybe he just did that to get me to let go of him. Hildie was always so relaxed and laid back, I expected her to just walk up and get her trophy. Instead, it was pretty obvious that she was filled with the same kind of excitement that I was. She held the trophy over her head with one hand and held up the red ribbon with the other, actually pumping her arms and hugging the mayor before she went back down the steps.
    I nearly ran over a couple of old people and a baby stroller as I ran up to hug and congratulate her.
    We didn’t say a word to each other , . except for “Eeeeeeee!” We just grabbed each other’s shoulders and made excited high school girl faces and sounds at each other and then hugged. She went back to sit down next to Gertie, and I went back to Eli.
    The applause for Hildie went on for quite a while, which was really nice. Then the Mayor introduced his wife.
    “And now our head judge – and my best friend – Millie Danton will present the award for first place.”
    I’m not sure why the crowd got so quiet. Everybody knew who was going to win.
    “With a perfect score from all three judges for her apple-pumpkin-pecan pie, the blue ribbon goes to Gertie Price!”
    The crowd went crazy, and Millie had to wave Gertie up because she couldn’t be heard over the roar of the crowd. Gertie had won a few baking contests for her famous apple pie, but her reputation had been damaged by some lies printed by Fanny Diddlemeier, who ran the local paper before Jules – and before she was murdered.
    Gertie got her award, and Millie finally got the crowd to quiet down. She put her arm around a very emotional Gertie and stood with her at the microphone.
    “And we have one more announcement as well.”
    Two men and a woman walked up the steps to the stage and stood next to Millie.
    “First, Mr. John Peabody from Moberg Press.”
    “On behalf of the nation’s number one cookbook publisher, Miss Price, I would like to offer you a contract to publish a cookbook featuring your wonderful recipes.”
    Gertie was a mess as she nodded and shook his hand. This was almost too much for the old girl.
    “And now Nigel Caraway and Angela Burke…”
    “Gertie, we would like you to show America how to bake your award winning pie on our program, The Bakery King, on the Pastry Network.”
    “And one more thing.” Mollie grabbed the microphone again.
    Oh, no. One more thing might just kill poor Gertie.
    “All three of our winners will be featured on Good Morning, Orlando! on Monday morning!”
    Jules and Moira were busy interviewing the winners and snapping pictures, and Hildie was surrounded by media people.
    Eli could see that I was torn between running back to Hildie and just leaving. “Just let her have her moment in the limelight, Lily.”
    “Yeah. I think I will.”
    Besides, if I ran up there now, she might think that I wanted piece of the credit and the attention – which I didn’t. Not at all. Hildie was always the silent one on the sidelines, and she deserved this moment, all for herself.
    “Let’s have a real sit-down meal and then come back before nightfall. Do you have to get back to the coffee shop?”
    “Nope. Essie gave me the whole day off, and Hildie insisted that I take it. So…let’s eat!”
    “Pasta, pizza, steak?”
    “Mmmm…how about if we avoid the

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