Protective Custody

Protective Custody by Wynter Daniels

Book: Protective Custody by Wynter Daniels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wynter Daniels
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance
swung in the breeze in the front yard. There were no other cars there. Unease prickled her skin, but she shoved it away.
    What’s the matter with me? I meet customers in vacant houses all the time.
    She glanced around at the secluded area and swallowed a wave of nausea. Probably her brush with the SUV was making her skittish.
    She climbed out of her car, then negotiated the flagstone stepping-stones to the door. It never hurt to make sure the property was in tip-top shape before the potential renter arrived.
    Shaking off another chill, she unlocked the door and let herself inside. The room was dark, so she opened the curtains, but the cloudy day didn’t brighten the place as much as she’d hoped. A musty smell drifted to her nose. Crossing the small living room, she found the thermostat and switched on the air conditioner. That done, she pushed through the swinging door to the kitchen to make sure the cleaning crew had done a good job.
    A blur of black lunged at her. Gasping, she flailed her arms, tried to shove it away. But he wouldn’t stop coming. Tremors racked her body, weakening her knees. The man circled his arm around her neck. Her pulse pounded in her ears so loud she couldn’t hear anything else. Struggling against the pressure, she clawed at his shirt. Then he lifted her off the floor. She tried to kick at him but kept missing. She couldn’t catch her breath. She gasped for air, desperate to hang on to consciousness. Stars floated before her eyes.
    She twisted, scratched at his arms, but nothing she did made any difference.
    I should have told Will I love him last night.
    She fought the man until her strength ran out. Her field of vision shrank to a hazy point. Then everything went black.
    Will latched the door lock at Megan’s house, then started toward his truck. His cell chimed, alerting him that he had a message waiting.
    What the hell?
    Stupid thing hadn’t even rung. He dialed his voice mail and smiled at the sound of Megan’s voice.
    His shoulders tightened with tension as he listened to her message. He immediately phoned her, but she didn’t answer.
    “Where the hell are you, Megan?” He climbed inside his truck, then called her office.
    “Southern State Vacation Rentals. Betsy speaking.”
    “Betsy, this is Will. I need to know the address where Megan is meeting a client.” He took a tablet and pen from the well in the dashboard.
    “Hmm. Sorry, Will. No can do. I already got chewed out for giving another guy that information.”
    He gritted his teeth. “Look, it’s an emergency. I think she might be in danger.” He started his truck, then headed out of the neighborhood.
    Betsy stuttered and stalled. “I don’t know.”
    Grasping his cell in a death grip, he held back an angry growl. “Now!”
    Before I come down there and hurt you.
    She huffed loudly. “Jeez. Fine. Here it is.” She read him the address in a snippy tone and hung up.
    He’d deal with her later. Important thing was he knew where to find Megan. He merged onto the highway and gunned his motor. He made it to the house in less than ten minutes. Megan’s car sat in the driveway.
    The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He tucked his gun into his belt, then jumped out of the pickup and ran to the door. Lucky for him it wasn’t locked. The moment he entered Megan’s voice electrified him with terror.
    Only he didn’t see her. “Megan! Where are you?”
    She stumbled into the room through a swinging door. Her hair was mussed, and her blouse was half-untucked. “Thank God you’re here.” Her chest heaved, and she looked as though she’d fall over if she took another step.
    Panic tore through him. He raced to her in an instant and pulled her into his arms. She crumpled against him, then gestured toward the door she’d come through. “He tried to strangle me. You saved my life.”
    His temples throbbed. “Who?”
    I let her down.
    Guilt swirled his gut. God, he’d almost lost

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