Protecting Summer

Protecting Summer by Susan Stoker

Book: Protecting Summer by Susan Stoker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Stoker
    Summer put her hand on Mozart’s leg, then snatched it back when he flinched. Before she could say or do anything, he grabbed her hand and put it back on his leg. Mozart tilted his head in an invitation for her to say what it was she obviously wanted to say.
    “I’m not saying this to make you feel guilty, or mad, or anything, okay?” When Mozart nodded, Summer continued. “Mozart, for the last few months I’ve been eating one meal a day. When Henry opens the office I head over there and eat a yogurt and a bagel. I typically snatch another bagel and a piece of fruit for later. Sometimes a guest will leave something in their room that I feel is safe to take for myself to eat. Trust me, all of this food…” She gestured around them, “…will last me a good long time.”
    Summer watched as Mozart’s left hand curled into a fist and the muscle in his jaw clenched. Not wanting him to torture himself, she bought the hand not resting on his leg, up to his face and turned it toward her. Whispering, Summer said, “I’m okay, Mozart. You have no idea how much what you’ve done for me in the last two days means to me. If I was okay before, now I’m more than okay.”
    Mozart took a deep breath and turned his head and kissed the palm of Summer’s hand. “You’ll never have to eat the fucking trash that someone leaves behind again. Just the thought…” he shuddered and closed his eyes for a moment.
    Summer could tell when he’d gotten himself back under control. He opened his eyes and told her, “I’ll be back up here as soon as I can, Sunshine.”
    “I know.”
    “I know you don’t have a cell phone, but I’m going to leave you my number so you can call me whenever you want. I’ll call you here at the motel to let you know when I’ll be back up, but in the meantime, when I’m out of the country, if I give you a friend’s number will you call it if you need anything…and I mean anything?”
    Summer stayed silent and just looked at Mozart.
    “Shit. You won’t will you? I knew you were going to be a pain.” Mozart smiled when he said it, so Summer wasn’t offended. “Will you take the number for my peace of mind then? I’ll feel better if you have it.”
    “Whose number is it?”
    “His name is Tex. He’s a friend who lives in Virginia. He used to be a SEAL, but was medically retired after having his leg partially amputated. He’s a computer genius and I’d trust him with my life…or yours.”
    “Leave me his number, Mozart. I can’t promise to call if I get a splinter or something, but if something goes seriously wrong I’ll call.” At the look of relief in Mozart’s eyes, Summer knew she’d said the right thing, even if it made her uncomfortable.
    Mozart stood up and held his hand out to Summer. “Come on, Sunshine. Let’s climb in bed, there has to be a movie or something on television we can watch.”
    Summer took Mozart’s hand and he led her to the bed. He didn’t pull back the covers, but helped her onto the bed and climbed in behind her. He pointed the remote at the TV and flipped through the channels until he came upon True Lies .
    “I’ve always loved this movie. This okay?”
    “Yeah, Jamie Lee Curtis kicks butt.”
    Mozart laughed and settled back against the pillows and drew Summer into his side. She snuggled down against him and put her head against his chest. Mozart took a deep breath and inhaled her scent.
    “You smell good.” He couldn’t have stopped the words to save his life.
    “It’s just shampoo.”
    “No, it’s not. It’s shampoo, and the orange you ate tonight as a snack when we got back to the room. It’s a hint of salt from your perspiration, it’s you Sunshine.”
    Summer squirmed. She’d never had anyone talk to her like Mozart did. “You’re crazy.”
    “Take the compliment, Summer. Say thank you.”
    “Thank you.”
    Mozart smiled at her and pulled her even closer. “Now, shhhh. Watch the movie.”
    Summer tried to lose herself in

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