With a flourish like the sound of coronets, his conclusion rang out:
“In my opinion, with all that we have seen in the last week, Mariah Carpenter is evolving into a sentient being never before seen on this planet!”
In the protracted silence, Doctor Silverstein spoke. Gone were the avuncular mannerisms that gave him the nickname “Doctor Manny.” He was now Doctor Menachim Reuben Silverstein, Chief of Staff, St. Vincent’s Hospital, San José, California, one of the most prestigious hospitals in the United States—formerly General Silverstein of the Israeli army, a military genius in the Yom Kippur War.
“Colleagues, let us not forget that we are talking about a human being, not some research project. While these discoveries are, at the same time, bewildering and exciting, we must remember Mariah Carpenter needs our attention as would any other patient. Not to get off the track, but with all your findings, I am now inclined to believe this coma she’s in is no accident. And, let me add, she is keeping herself healthy and stable without our assistance.”
He stopped, looking at each doctor. They just stared at him, almost holding their breaths.
“We are well aware that research scientists and the news media would sell their souls for what we have here. However, we cannot allow this information to go beyond this room. Let me repeat in case something was not clear: at the risk of sounding melodramatic, this woman’s life is in our hands. If what we have discovered leaks to the press, she will be subjected to the most inhumane treatment ever before witnessed. I’m sure that conjures up in you what it does in me. The government would remove her to a facility that would perform never-ending experiments with her mind and body, including invasive surgical procedures ... all in the name of science .”
Manny shook his head. “We have no standard against which to measure her. We have no method to determine why these physical and mental changes are occurring. However as physicians, we have sworn an oath to hold information about any patient completely confidential. And if there was ever a time to keep that pledge close to your heart, this is it. Believe me, this oath will not be broken in my hospital.
“Now, let’s talk about her present and future treatment.”
They discussed what they would do if she remained comatose indefinitely. They decided as a group what further tests would be necessary for her well-being and which ones were strictly for research purposes. They formulated a strategy on how to keep her records classified, as if it was a clandestine military operation.
At the end of the three hour brainstorming session, all of them had not only a clear understanding of their roles, but an agreed upon plan inspired by their Chief. Manny Silverstein could be your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on how you treated your patients. His staff saw the soft blue of his eyes turn the color of polished steel as he received affirmation from each one.
“I advise you to remind all the people in your respective departments about their responsibilities to this patient. If this information leaks out, I will personally fire everyone involved immediately and hire the most expensive attorney I can find for Ms. Carpenter’s law suit.”
His staff left the conference room murmuring to each other: Manny remained behind, tipped back in his swivel chair, his eyes looking skyward.
“What kind of tsoris have you dumped on me, God? How do I treat this woman who can no longer be considered human?”
But no amount of speculation would come vaguely close to what he really had on his hands.
Chapter 17
Mariah knew he was about to leave when she felt his mind begin to withdraw. Desperately, she reached out to him telepathically in an attempt to keep him with her, if only for a few more minutes.
Her pupils dilated as her consciousness was abruptly seized by an overwhelming force. It compressed her essence until she felt
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