Promises (Blood Brothers #1)

Promises (Blood Brothers #1) by BJ Brandon

Book: Promises (Blood Brothers #1) by BJ Brandon Read Free Book Online
Authors: BJ Brandon
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    He felt wetness on his shoulder and looked down. Silent tears streamed down her face and Kayne's heart melted.
    "Ah my heart," he crooned. "I do not want to coddle you, just protect you." He kissed each tear, licking them away and feeling his heart break with each one that slipped down. Chayle shuddered in his arms and he pulled her close.
    "I want you to use the training facilities. Train, but go slowly. I want you strong, and I know you think you can usually defend yourself but I just need to make sure you are safe." He pushed back the bangs hanging her in eyes and forced her to look at him. When she finally, did he smiled. "I cannot live without you, Chayle. You may not realize it and I know you do not understand yet, but you are my heart and I will not give you up. Not to any monster out there. Not to anyone!"
    "Oh Kayne," she whispered. "What am I going to do with you?"
    "Let me love you," he growled, and began to show her just what he meant.
    Their loving was slow and tender. Kayne took his time stripping their clothes, licking and touching every inch and spot as it was bared, making a slow game of pulling each piece away from her body. He kissed the inside of her knees, licking and pulling the taste deep into his pores like it was like the very air he breathed. He shuddered, working to get himself under control as he discovered new treasures all along her skin continued to investigate every inch, memorizing and mapping it with his fingertips and tongue.
    When Chayle was insane with need, begging for him to take her, he finally spread her thighs and entered her in one swift arch. Kayne's earlier revelation that he and his men could not transmit any kind of STDs, and were immune to most human diseases because of all of the genetic experimentation that had been done had been an interesting discussion, to say the least.
    Basically, they were a new species of homo sapiens, created by Chayle's own government in a misguided attempt to create the super solider that could be ordered to follow any commands once they were reprogramed. Faster and heartier, deadlier. Totally alienated from the population they were created to protect and follow orders but the experiment failed. They weren’t mindless soldiers or robots that could be ordered to kill on a whim. They were just wonderfully enhanced men and women with the same wants and needs as anyone else. Now, she was just thankful, because she could feel him skin to skin and it was glorious.
    Kayne sank into the warmth of this woman who now held his heart, mentally reached for his lover, hoping she was ready to experience all that they would have together. There was no way he could hold back, not now, not anymore. He mentally reached out for Chaley, and the connection snapped into place like an umbilical cord between them. Kayne could feel every emotion, every rise and fall of Chayle's chemical makeup and love as she stared into his eyes, and it was glorious. He knew the exact instant she realized he was there, inside her emotions and she inside of his.
    "Kayne?" she whispered softly, her mind-voice quivering with need and shock.
    "Yes baby, feel me!" He pushed deeply inside of her, holding still as he watched her eyes round and her breath catch as his emotions twined deeply with hers. He wove an intricate web around them that looped their emotions and sexual desires back and forth until neither of them could feel where one began and the other ended.
    "Oh God, Kayne, so good…" she managed to say just before her world exploded into a thousand stars with Kayne's arms holding her safe and warm as she fell deeper under his spell.
    "I've got you, baby," she heard just before her world went dark.
    Kayne lay in the dark, listening to his mate sleep while going over the last details in his mind for the short mission he was taking the next day. Merc and Rafe had agreed to shadow Chayle while he was away, but with so many others onsite, Kayne had doubts that anyone would be stupid

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