Project ELE
perhaps I will have a reprimand tomorrow. I was honestly surprised that he didn't give me one today when I returned, nor did he even mention anything. It's no surprise that once I fall asleep I slip into dreams of Alec with his bright green eyes and jet-black hair.
    I was still a little nervous when I walked into work the next day with Connor and Claire. I looked at Alec expecting him to rehash yesterday’s events but he didn't. Instead he smiled at me. Heat flamed my cheeks when my brain conjured up last nights dream. I pushed it far to the back of my mind and looked down at my tablet. My assignment list was reduced down to fifteen. I look up at Alec who stares at me for a fraction of a second and then releases us for work without hosting his usual pep rally meeting.
    Today I got my assignments done in my usual speedy time frame and reverted to helping Connor and Claire with theirs. Having gone back to a normal routine, the day went by fast, as did the remainder of the week. Every morning we checked our tablets in restless anticipation of our first free day. We've been crossing our fingers that we will get the same day off. The odds look to be in our favor since everyone has received their free day this week except for us. Hopefully with tomorrow being Sunday, which is also a no-school day, we will finally get our day of rest!

CHAPTER 6 (Thirty-eight days inside.)
    I was excited when I woke up this morning and saw on my tablet that today is in fact my first free day. My dad wasn't so lucky. He still has to work. We both head over to breakfast together and down our cold oatmeal before my dad has to report for his shift. Not sure what else to do with my time, I stay seated at the table and make arrangements for Connor and Claire to meet me up with me. While I wait I browse the amenities app on my tablet trying to get an idea of what we should do.
    Someone clears their throat next to the table and I look up to find Alec standing beside me. “Oh, um, hey.” I stutter. I’m still not quite sure how to address Alec. I mean, he is my boss and all, so our conversations tend to be a bit awkward.
    “You mind if I sit?” Alec asks.
    I shake my head no, even though I do kind of mind.
    He sits in the seat across from me. Alec tipis his fingers and leans forward. “Look, I know it’s kind of awkward and all, what, with me being your boss, but I was hoping maybe we could hang out sometime?” His question catches me totally off guard and my jaw drops open. I watch as he grimaces and shifts in his seat, looking exceedingly uncomfortable.
    “Yeah,” I squeak a little uncomfortably. What should I say? No? I clear my voice. “I mean sure, that would be cool." His green eyes light up just a little. What the heck I think to myself. "Um, I’ve got some friends meeting me here soon; well, you know Claire and Connor. We were planning on doing something today, not sure what, but you’re welcome to tag along if you’d like.” Tag along? Does your boss ‘tag along?’ I mentally kick myself and look to the floor.
    Shockingly he agrees, “Yeah, hey that sounds great. You know, I have to be quite honest with you. This sucks.”
    “Excuse me?” I ask a little hurt by his words. We've hung out for less than a minute and he already thinks it's lame.
    “No, wait, that’s not what I meant. What I meant to say is my job sucks.” Okay, awkward, I think. “I mean, some people might think being in charge is cool, especially at my age, but in all honesty, it’s just flat out lonely. People respect you and all, but they don’t want to necessarily hang out and be friends. It makes me feel old even though we are all in the same age group.”
    Connor and Claire walk up behind Alec and stop mid-step. Alec continues to talk about loneliness and pours his heart out while they approach the table cautiously. Claire jabs Connor lightly in the ribs and gestures her head towards Alec. They both squelch a laugh and I try widening my eyes at

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