Prison Break
    OceanCrest Series Reading Order
    Awake (Jeremy and Maggie's story)
    Awaken (Tyson and Sharisse's story)
    Awakening (Niyol and Vivian's story)
    Eat Mì / Eat Me (An and Jessica's story)
    Prison Break (Mateo and Natalia's story)
    OceanCrest Series
    Jade Onyx
    Copyright © 2013
Jade Onyx
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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
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    Published in the United States of
    Books written by Jade Onyx can be obtained either
through the author’s official website:
    or through select, online book retailers.
    To discover more about the books in this
series, see the OceanCrest Series at the back of
this book. For more about Jade Onyx, visit the About the
Author section.
    Table of Contents
Series Reading Order
    Title Page
    Copyright Page
    Author's Note
    1 Dinner Break
    2 Outbreak
    3 Overseas
    4 Visitation
    5 Escape
    6 Taking Flight
    7 Old Flame
    8 The Fling
    9 Eye Candy
    10 The Trail
    11 The Call
    About the
    This book is dedicated to my lifelong mentor,
D. I., and his wife, K.I., who both believed in me and continue to
inspire me to become the best me I can be. Thank you from the
bottom of my heart, in this lifetime and countless lifetimes to
    I also dedicate this book to the ones whose
passing this year made me realize that everyday is another day to
seize the day and contribute to our legacy, the unique vow and
mission that we alone can complete on this planet. Thank you for
helping me realize that HER ~ Healing Erotic Romance ~ is my gift
to the world.
    In memory of:
    Harvey Richard Walker
    (April 27, 2013 - April 28, 2013)
    Merlo Evans, Sachiko Sytz, Hideko Winquist
    (Pioneers in Faith)
    My first land pets—3 week-old sex-linked female
    (May 15, 2013 – May 22, 2013)
    My maternal grandmother, the last of my living
    (August 30, 1923 - June 23, 2013)
    Finally, I dedicate this book to erotic
romance authors Shoshanna Evers and Kallypso Masters. In utilizing
your spare time to email me, you both helped me find my place.
Without you, this series would not exist. Thank you.
    Thank you to my readers, especially my beta
readers. You all ROCK! Alexander L. Lee, your insight led me to
chop off major dips in action and insert an entire chapter into the

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