Princess Sultana's Circle
small! There’s not enough food and water!”
    Khalidah appeared
momentarily stunned by my daughter’s rudeness, and words failed
    “ Amani!” I admonished, “You
must apologize!”
    Tears were streaming down
Amani’s face. “Some of the birds are dead!” I turned to Khalidah
and made an attempt to lighten the situation. “Do not mind Amani.
All creatures are a source of endless fascination to my
    Amani looked at me
disdainfully as though I were a traitor. “The cages are too small!
There’s not enough food!”
    “ Amani! I order you to
apologize. Now!”
    In an effort to appease my
child, Khalidah stammered, “But…my dear, there are birds in
    My daughter screamed so
loudly that the veins on her neck and forehead were visible under
her skin. “Birds in paradise fly free!”
    Khalidah’s hands were
clutching at her throat.
    Amani was becoming
hysterical. “They fly free, I tell you! Birds in paradise fly free!
You are cruel to have them so confined!”
    “ Amani! Enough!” I started
toward my daughter, prepared to give her a good shaking. It was
time to take her home.
    Khalidah kept her hand at
her throat and said helplessly, “But, I tell you, Amani, there are
birds in paradise. I am sure of it.”
    Amani glared at her with
hatred. Her voice was filled with contempt. “You will never find
out! Your wicked eyes will never see true paradise!”
    Overwhelmed at such
unexpected aggression, Khalidah fell over in a faint.
    I watched in horror as
Amani, seeing her chance, darted from one cage to another. She was
removing the cages from the trees!
    As I knelt down to try to
rouse Khalidah, Maha came running down the path toward me in a
state of agitation. Her voice was loud in indignation. “Mother, did
you know that Cousin Faddel has imprisoned a group of young girls?
He has a harem of young women! They are held captive in one of the
    Alarmed and shocked, I
could only stare at Maha.
    It was then that Maha
noticed the fallen Khalidah.
    “ What has happened to
Cousin Khalidah?”
    I astonished myself with my
calm tone. “Amani insulted her. Khalidah fainted.” I gestured
toward the palace, “Now, go quickly and get some help.”
    “ But, what about those poor
    “ Hush, Maha! We’ll deal
with that problem later.” I looked down at Khalidah, and was
relieved to see that she was still breathing. I ordered Maha, “Go!
Get help! Now!”
    Maha ran toward the palace,
shouting Layla’s name.
    Amid the turmoil and
confusion I saw Amani leave the garden, struggling with an unwieldy
load. It took some moments to comprehend that my daughter was in
the process of appropriating Faddel’s caged birds!
    I cried, “Oh Allah!” I then
called out, “Amani! Amani! Come back!”
    Grappling with as many
cages as she could possibly carry, Amani disappeared from

Chapter Six
    Birds of
    I once heard someone say
that we do not remember days of our lives, but we do remember moments . I know it is
true, for I have lived such “peak” moments myself.
    Desperation swept through
me now, though, as I held Khalidah’s head in my lap. I strained to
look for Maha, waiting impatiently for her return. Helpless, I
could only watch Amani’s small body dashing hurriedly back and
forth through the garden, on forays collecting birdcages crowded
with chirping birds. Such a moment I will never forget!
    Maha finally returned to
the garden with Layla at her side. Three Egyptian men followed
closely behind. I could only assume that these men were servants
employed by Faddel.
    Layla had already been
alerted by Maha of Khalidah’s plight, so she quickly rushed to
assist me in my so-far-futile efforts to revive her mistress. The
three men watched uneasily as they stood silently around the limp
figure of Khalidah.
    Meanwhile, Amani continued
with her urgent task of emptying Faddel’s paradise garden of every
singing creature. Thankfully, Khalidah’s employees were

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