Prince of Spies
her core. Nico rubbed his bristly chin against the back of her neck and nipped lightly, sending shivers down her spine.
    She felt him smile against her neck as his fingers slid in the wetness between her legs. She tried to pull back, embarrassed, but he would have none of it. His strong arms held her steady, his legs pinioning hers.
    “You’re so wet for me, my dove, so eager for my touch. Do you know how much that means to me? Do you know how much you excite me?”
    Nico pushed his hips against hers and she felt the hard rod of his erection against her backside, through the soft leather of his leggings. He was well endowed and very ready.
    But she wasn’t. She feared she would never be ready to give up her virginity—not while the threat of Lucan loomed over her head.
    Riki pulled back and this time Nico let her move away just slightly, though his hands still roamed over her body. His hand at her breast tugged and teased the nipple, sending lightning bolts down to her core.
    The hand between her thighs played with the little bud, moving lower to slide in her juices, then dipping within her tight channel. One long finger slid into her, stretching her, filling her. It felt so wonderful, so strange, so full. She wanted more, but she knew she couldn’t indulge. Even this was dangerous.
    She whimpered as he began to move in and out, that single finger teasing her virgin channel, the rest of his hand grinding against the little button that brought such pleasure. She squirmed to get closer, to get away, to just get something. She didn’t know what. But she needed something that only Nico could provide.
    “Please!” she whispered, arching back against him.
    “Come for me, sweetheart, let it all go. Trust in me, trust in this. Come for me now.” His whispered words slid into her ear, followed by his tongue a moment later, driving the fire higher and hotter still.
    Nico moved lower and bit down on her neck, the savage action spurring her to the greatest heights yet as his hands continued their skillful seduction of her senses. With a little cry, she crept up and over some unknown precipice, but Nico was there to catch her as the orgasm broke over her trembling, yearning body.
    She felt like she was floating, free-falling down from a very high mountain peak. Nico continued to stroke her, and guide her, throughout. He was such a good, strong, dear man. And now he’d shown her the most incredible feelings. How could she continue to deny herself—deny them—
    this pleasure, this passion?
    “Ssh, my sweet, just relax. Sleep a bit more if you can. Drake will be back soon with some new clothes for you.”
    “But what about you?”
    “Don’t worry about me, Riki. You come first. Always. Sleep now.” He stroked back her hair and she could feel the tension in his body.

    Riki tried to close her eyes and go to sleep but couldn’t, knowing he was suffering because of her. She knew enough about men’s bodies— from having been subjected to watching Lucan and his lovers of both sexes—to know Nico needed relief. Gathering her courage, she turned in his arms, sitting up slightly so she could look into his lovely hazel eyes.
    “My body may be virgin, Nico, and I need to keep it that way for now, but I know you need me. I can’t give you my virginity, but I can give you relief.”
    “No, sweetheart,” Nico tried to push her gently away as she lowered the blanket and set to work on the ties that held his leggings in place, but she would not be deterred.
    She looked up at him with a self-conscious smile. “You know, I’ve never done this before.”
    “Lucan never made you—”
    “No. He made me watch, but Loralie told him to leave me alone sexually in every way. I have that to thank her for, I suppose, though she’s the one who brought my healing gift to his attention in the first place.” She paused as he breathed a sigh of relief. “I’ve been curious about some of the things I saw.”
    “Lucan is a

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