Prince Charming (Behind the Screen, #1)
Chapter One
Masters of Deception
    H armony gazed into the fridge. The Marks and Spencers spaghetti bolognaise sounded like a treat. It had been a long day, and all she wanted to do was relax in front of the computer and talk to the two men that had caught her eye. She pulled out the meal and placed it in the microwave. A few minutes later, she was in front of the laptop.
    Fifty messages! Harmony had joined the dating site a few weeks ago. Four dates had brought no love, but there were two men who had caught her attention. She scrolled the inbox. There they were, messages from the men she actually wanted to hear from. Harmony pressed on princecharming’s message first.
    Hey, hope all is well. How was your day? I’m sure it was more eventful than mine x.
    She slurped the spaghetti and smiled. She opened the next message.
    Evening beautiful, hope you had a good day. Mine was challenging as you can imagine. There’s no sleep when you’re chasing down the bad guys, haha! Anyway tell me about your day, it would be a break away from my life. xx
    Again she smiled. Both men were online.
    Hey Marcus! I’m well thank you, even better hearing from you. What was it about your day that wasn’t great? I’m sure you’re more than satisfied with your work. I mean, it sounded like it the first time we spoke. My day was the usual. Answering phones, greeting clients and all the boring stuff a receptionist does. Tell me about your day, I’d love to hear about it! xx
    She pressed the send button.
    Derek, nice to hear from you again. Have you been chasing down bad guys again,haha!  I find it extremely sexy. *Smiles*. My day was great, besides the usual lessons, I gave my form class a lecture on safety on the internet. I’m not sure they listened to a word I said. But hey, I’ve got to try.
    She sat back and waited. Finished the rest of the spaghetti and put the bowl to the side. A message arrived from Marcus.
    Well my dear beautiful lady, your company wouldn’t cope without you, so you’re a very important part of it. They should thank you for your beautiful face everyday haha! My day was okay, as I’ve said in my previous emails, I’m an artist, but also a gallery owner. I’m struggling with a picture at the moment. There’s something missing, and it’s really bugging me, that’s all. Anyway, you might be the answer to that missing piece. Your face is an art in itself. Beautiful dark eyes, lovely brown skin and yes, amazing body! You could be the answer!
    The message pinged.
    Oh Marcus, you flatter me! Kind of you to say those words. Maybe I will be the missing piece. Any plans this weekend?
    She sent the email, and in came an email from Derek
    Not much chasing bad guys, but catching them haha! Well I’m sure some of your students took your lecture to heart. It’s important that they are aware of the dangers of the internet. So...Are you free sometime this weekend? I’d really like to meet with you. x
    A few more messages pinged up on her screen, but she only opened the one from Marcus.
    My plan this weekend is to ask you out on a date. I’ve been dying to do it, but have held back a little. Would you like to go out this weekend? Xx
    Harmony scanned the email and giggled. Both men wanted a date. She waited and thought about it. There was so much running through her mind. After a few moments she typed.
    Are you free on Sunday? Xx
    She sent the email to Derek and then typed another.
    We could go out on Saturday? Seven okay?
    She sent the email to Marcus. Harmony sat back and waited for both men to accept. Well she at least hoped they would. And as predicted both men replied.
    Saturday’s great! Can I get your number? Where would you like to go? Xx
    She clicked on Derek’s message.
    Sunday’s sounds like a plan! What time? Could I get your number so we could do this over text? Xx
    Harmony waited a little, just to let them simmer. She’d give them her

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