Pressure Point (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 3)

Pressure Point (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 3) by Rhonda Lee Carver

Book: Pressure Point (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 3) by Rhonda Lee Carver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Lee Carver
    He brushed his tongue across her fingers, almost losing it in her softness.
    “You lied,” she whispered.
    “About what?” He still held her gaze.
    “You said you couldn’t dance. I knew you could and I wasn’t imagining what we shared at the wedding reception.” Her voice was quiet.
    “Oh, is this dancing? I sort of considered this foreplay.” Blood rushed from his head straight into his cock. He’d only meant to tease her, but the joke fizzled and something else took precedence, making him a little woozy. He’d only had a few drinks of his beer so it wasn’t the alcohol. “God, Em. How is it that some lucky man hasn’t come along and swept you off your pretty feet?” His voice quavered.
    She blinked. “Maybe it’s not meant to happen.”
    Hell, why did he suddenly feel damned lucky that no man had realized what he was missing? He stared, soaking up the moment. Her dazzling eyes. Her vulnerable expression. The pouty fullness of her lips—lips that were molded for a kiss—his kiss.
    She made him imagine the unthinkable. What it would be like to belong to someone, to have someone belong to him. To make a life together. He pressed his hand at the small of her back, tugging her closer. Her knee wedged in between his legs, brushing his solid cock.  Her eyes widened slightly. Oh yeah, she knew he had it bad.
    “Foreplay, huh?” Her soft voice made the hair on his arms stand.
    “What would you call it? Am I wrong?” he bravely asked.
    “I won’t lie. I’m turned on. I have been since I saw you working in the barn.”
    This excited him more than he could almost deal with standing in the middle of a crowd of people who watched.
    “Is this your plan?”
    “My plan?” he asked.
    “To seduce me?”
    He couldn’t seem grasp her words beyond the invisible grip on his dick. “No. Hell, maybe.” He traced her fingers, bringing one to his mouth and darting his tongue along the length. Her breath came out along with a low groan. Her shoulders slumped some.
    He rolled the tip of his tongue to the tip of one well-manicured white nail. He wanted those nails ripping a territorial tattoo down his back. He pulled her even closer, so close that her thigh rubbed his balls through his jeans.
    Would she push him away? Would she slap his face?
    She didn’t make a move, just continued to watch him with gorgeous, expressive eyes.
    “You’re beautiful, sweetheart.”
    Her lashes lowered, brushing against the tops of her cheeks. Innocently, but he knew better.
    “Why are you doing this?” she mumbled.
    “You fully understand why.” His husky voice told of his inner turmoil.
    Her lashes flew open. “No, I have no clue.”
    “I haven’t thought of anything but you since the last time you and I had danced.” He nuzzled his nose against her cheek. “If you don’t know that, then you’re as empty headed as a chicken.”
    “We came here to get Katy’s attention. We should see if she’s here.” She started to move but he didn’t release his hold.
    “Are you changing the subject?”
    “Yes—yes, I am.” She was breathless.
    “Right now, Katy isn’t the reason for this.” He subtly skimmed his hips against her hip. Her breath swooshed from her lips. “Let’s get out of here, okay?”
    “Yes.” She answered without hesitation. “Let me first run to the restroom, okay?”
    “I’ll meet you by the front door.”
    EM STEPPED OUT of the bathroom, dropping her lipstick back into her purse, when she bumped into someone. She brought her chin up, ready to apologize when she recognized the pretty blonde staring back at her. “Katy, right?”
    The woman smiled. “Ah, you remember me. I see you’re here with Nash Walters.”
    Em had never been at a loss of words, but right now, she couldn’t put two words together fast enough before awkward silence fell over them. She finally managed, “Yes.”
    Katy smiled. “I

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