
Pregnant by Tamara Butler

Book: Pregnant by Tamara Butler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara Butler
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you make me put my hands on you." Gino sauntered around the kitchen, grabbing exactly what he came in there for in the first place.
    "But baby----." Princess whispered caressing his back. "I love you and I miss you. Plus, I wanted to do something special for you; for your birthday."
    Gino's shoulders shrugged as an attempt to get away from her touch. "Are you popping pills? My birthday isn't until November. We're only in July."
    "Oh." Princess giggled. "MY MISTAKE!" She yelled prior to lifting the knife high in the air as if she were going to stab gino. His quick reflexes knocked the knife out of her hand and punched her in the face automatically breaking her nose.
    He dragged her by her hair unto the porch. "Get out and stay out you crazy bitch. I don't know what I was thinking-----. You're not even wifey material and Kiara's pussy was ten times better than yours." He chuckled slightly slamming the door."
    Princess laid on the ground wincing from the pain in her nose. "I'll get you." She whispered.
    He never even knew what hit him. There he laid on his back, on a gurney gasping for his last breath. The bright lights forced him to close his eyes while the doctors circled his body pushing him briskly towards the operating room.
    "Get him into the O.R. Immediately!" This looked like the worst patient that they'd had all day. All they could do was put their years of experience together and hope that the anonymous patient would pull through.
    CHAPTER 31 (Kiara)
    Walking in the mall hand in hand, Kiara and Dominic got stares from envious men and women who wished they shared the same bond and relationship that they shared. Of course baby ashaun was soundly asleep, as Dominic's free muscular arm cradled him. Others stopped to greet the couple and compliment them on how cute "their" son was. Yes, Dominic wasn't the biological father but everyone knew he should have been. He was everything Kiara could ask for in a man and especially as a father. She could tell that Ashuan felt a connection with him from the way his tiny little fingers clutched Dominic's bigger ones. Or the way he stopped crying when Dominic held him.
    Finally, they reached their destination but not before they were stopped again. This time the female that stopped them knew Dominic.
    "So I see you've moved on huh? To bigger and better things." The girl stated pointing to Kiara and the baby. "So that's it? We're over with and you don't love me anymore?" She acquired pouting.
    Dominic busted out laughing but Kiara didn't find anything funny. “Baby don't mind her. This is my baby sis Anneke." He said. Now that Kiara thought about it they did resemble each other a lot.
    "Oh the one you were telling me about?"
    "Yeah that one." He stated shaking his head.
    "It was all good things I hope?" Anneke kissed Dominic on his cheek and as a habit kissed Kiara's as well. She was just an all-around friendly person.
    "Yes of course." He said.
    Anneke couldn't help but to stare at Kiara's beauty. "You didn't tell me how pretty she is big brother." Licking her lips in the process she bit her lip to suppress a tiny moan.
    "And she's off limits as well." Dominic declared.
    "Whatever. You don't think I know that? ----Plus Misha would kill me if she even saw me looking at another female." They conversed for a few minutes before Anneke left due to her lunch break being over. "Bye lil mama. It was nice meeting you. ----Oh and let me know if this knuckle head screws up and I'll straighten him out for you." Anneke declared punching her fist into her hand.
    "Girl you couldn't hurt a fly!" He joked.
    "Kiss my big, yellow ass!" Winking at Kiara, she walked off."
    "Looks like you have a crush. I think she likes you."
    "Fuck you Dominic."
    "Oh I plan to---. As soon as we get home." Dominic said placing a firm smack on her ass and a kiss on her lips.
    "Be gentle with me." She said.
    "I'll try."
    "Dominic what's that?" Kiara stood in the bathroom cleansing her face from her prior

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