Powerful Magic

Powerful Magic by Karen Whiddon Page B

Book: Powerful Magic by Karen Whiddon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Whiddon
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fiance made her shudder.   No doubt Roger was furious at her disappearance.   Unable to believe that she'd simply vanished when the lightening hit, he probably had employed a team of private investigators to search for her whereabouts.   After all, she hadn't changed her will to make him beneficiary as he'd ordered her to do.
               Lancelot came to a halt, lifting his head to scent the breeze.   Stretching his thick neck forward, he whinnied, cocking his ears as if he expected an answer.
               Dragging her gaze away from Kenric's hard face, Megan looked around her with wonderment.   Stretching as far as the eye could see was a summer meadow of verdant green and gold.   The long grass waved in the light breeze, and brightly colored birds flitted from the limbs of the leafy trees, their songs joyful and sweet.   The scent of wildflowers and hay filled the air.   For the first time since the lightening bolt had hit her, Megan felt warm.  
               "It's beautiful!"   Unable to help herself, she laughed with delight.   "Look." She touched Kenric's shoulder, leaning close so that she might whisper in his ear, "Over there.   A doe and her fawn."
               "Beware, Megan of Dallas Texas."   Kenric turned to glare at her, his eyes hard and cold as the land they'd just left.   "This is a place of danger.   Not all is at it appears."
               She found it hard to believe.   "All I know is that I'd much rather have awakened here than in that snowstorm."   She sighed, wiggling slightly.   "Can I get down?"
               The big man in front of her stiffened.   "No."   He barked, his hand going once more to his sword.   "You must stay on the horse.   Trouble comes."
               Peering around his shoulder, Megan stared in astonishment.   A woman, her long golden hair floating gently around her shoulders, strolled towards them.   She wore a long, white robe of some sort of gossamer material, edged with golden thread.   Though she was still on the other side of the meadow, by her very presence she seemed to make the place that much more wonderful.
               "She's gorgeous."   Megan breathed as the woman grew closer.   She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman Megan had ever seen.  
               "Aye, that she is."   Kenric said glumly.   He held himself the way a warrior does who's about to meet an enemy in battle.   "It has been a long time since I've seen her."
               He knew her?   That vision of loveliness who approached them?   Suddenly, Megan felt positively dowdy in Kenric's faded, baggy clothes.   "Who is she?"
               His intent stare never wavered from the woman as she drew near.   His mouth twisted bitterly.   "Her name is Rhiannon.   We shared the same mother.   She is my half-sister."
               "Your..."   Megan swallowed, hardly able to believe it, "your half-sister?"   The idea that this rugged giant had a sister seemed, well, shocking.   She shook her head.   Everyone had family, even arrogant warriors.   But he'd said before that he had no family, that they were all dead.   And, wait a minute, if this Faerie woman were his sister, then what did that make him?
               About to ask, she closed her mouth as the woman drew near.
               "Greetings, my brother."   With a soft smile, the woman hailed him.   Her voice was lilting and musical.  
               Kenric slid from the horse, leaving Megan still up on Lancelot's broad back.   Tamping back surprise - that she was no longer afraid - and fury - that he should treat her as if she were not even here - Megan copied his movements exactly.   She managed to land on her feet, looking almost dignified.   That is, until her legs refused to support her and she had to clutch at Kenric's arm to stay upright.
               He barely

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