One Moment (The Little Hollow Series Book 1)

One Moment (The Little Hollow Series Book 1) by Danielle Dickson

Book: One Moment (The Little Hollow Series Book 1) by Danielle Dickson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Dickson
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conversation went something along the lines of talking about the fundraiser, me saying it sounded like fun and the next thing I knew we were hired.
    I stood up, leaving the list where it was to go and sit in the window seat. The sun was beating down and I was quite looking forward to mine and Kee’s walk. Thinking about it now, I wondered where Kee was. She’d been gone nearly forty-five minutes already, we only had another fifteen before lunch was over.
    Just as I was about to go send out a search party, she came barrelling through the door looking really suspicious. “Woah there. What’s the rush?”
    She looked at me like she wasn’t expecting me to be here. “What do you mean?”
    I squinted my eyes at her. “Kee, are you okay?” She rushed away from the door to put her purse in the back room.
    “Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be?” The bemused look on her face made me laugh.
    “Well considering you came back empty handed after being out for nearly fifty-minutes, I think you owe me a little explanation as to why I’m not tucking into a chicken Caesar salad right about now. I know where you went and if you haven’t got food that could only mean one thing.” I waggled my brows at her and she looked down at her hands.
    “We were just talking, take your mind out of the gutter. I completely forgot about lunch though, want me to go run and get you something?” She seemed distant somehow, what in the world was wrong with my best friend?
    “No, that’s okay, Kee, I’ll just grab something in Sharlington. I’m heading over there to pick up some things for the fundraiser anyway, you want anything? I’m guessing you didn’t eat either. Oh, by the way, what did he say about you know what?” She picked up the appointment book and spoke to me while running her finger down the page.
    “No, nothing for me thanks, I’m not hungry. I don’t think he knew about Connor being here and not just this time. I don’t think he knew at all.” She didn’t think?
    “What do you mean you ‘think’? That’s what you went to ask him, was it not?” I raised an eyebrow at her, totally confused.
    “Yeah, I forgot. Now go on, I’ve got to get ready for my next client.” Was I being dismissed? What the hell was going on? She grabbed my purse and shoved it at me. “And get me a burger, please.” I chuckled and decided I’d question her later before making my way towards my car.

By midday, I couldn’t wait any longer. I’d only waited this long because I couldn’t turn up while he was working, the man did have a business to run after all so I waited patiently until lunch time.
    Jumping in my truck, I drove the fifteen minutes to Little Hollow, all the while, reciting what I would say to them both in my head. I’d planned to ask Lewis to invite Keeley over for lunch under false pretences, in the hope she’d stay and hear me out.
    Pulling up outside the garage, I hopped out and was greeted by a gorgeous golden retriever and I bent down to give him a rub. “Hey, boy, where’d you come from?” I heard a little giggle and looked up.
    “She’s a girl doggy silly, her name’s Ruby.” A little girl, not much older than three or four stood in front of me.
    “That’s a really cool name, did you pick it?” She nodded enthusiastically and I looked around for any sign of her parents, finally spotting a flustered looking woman about my age half running towards us.
    “Katy, sweetie, I told you not to run off like that. Anything could’ve happened to you.” She eyed me warily and I stood up and stepped back to keep my distance.
    “Ruby came to see this nice man,” she said in way of explanation. Her mom’s face was full of distrust.
    “She’s a beautiful dog. I’m Connor.” I went to shake her hand and she flinched. I withdrew it away from her immediately, I was a pro at this. I knew all the tell-tale signs by now; I’d lived with it for seventeen years of my life. “Well, I won’t take up anymore of your

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