Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind
consistently believe you are able to do anything that comes your way, with God’s help. You must also believe He wants to help you and will help you if you ask Him to do so. The devil may provide one of those “flashing thoughts” I mentioned that says, “You don’t deserve God’s help so don’t bother asking.” You can remind him that God doesn’t help you because you deserve it, but because He is good, and while you’re at it, why not remind the devil that you know he is a liar!

    Think about It
    Which “I can’t” belief in your life do you need to exchange for an “I can”?
    Overcomers Everywhere
    On July 2, 1932, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, a baby boy was born. Six weeks later, a couple adopted the infant, but when he was five years old, his mother died. His father moved from state to state, looking for work and taking his young son with him. At age twelve, the boy landed his first job at a restaurant counter—and loved it. When he was fifteen, his father wanted to move again, but by then the young man was working at the Hobby House Restaurant in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and didn’t want to leave his job. So he dropped out of school, moved into the local YMCA, and went to work full-time.

    Several years later, his Hobby House boss offered him an opportunity. The man owned four Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) outlets that were failing. In four years, with hard work and determination, the young man turned the restaurants around financially, sold them back to KFC, and received a portion of the profits from the sale—he was once a high school dropout, but now he was a millionaire at age thirty-five.
    Who was this man? Dave Thomas, who started Wendy’s old fashioned Hamburgers and became an innovative and respected leader in the fast-food business. And, by the way, he also earned his GED forty-five years after he dropped out of school.
    The world is filled with people like Dave Thomas, people who have overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. They have faced tragedies, sickness and disease, accidents, poverty, and deprivation in every area and yet they have pressed through and become some of the world’s most respected and admired individuals. I can assure you that they did not do so by thinking, I can’t. They had to make a decision about what they wanted out of life and think accordingly. Then, they had to work hard to accomplish their goals. I don’t believe any of them could have expended the effort they needed to or made the sacrifices they made had they not believed wholeheartedly that they could do what they wanted to do.
    A lot of people start out in the right direction, with great “want to,” but no ability to push through when challenges arise. We hear and read about the ones who start out and keep going to achieve amazing results, especially in the face of tremendous odds. But even in the everyday, ordinary aspects of life, we all have obstacles to overcome. It’s easy to see how much working out at the gym has improved your friend’s energy and body shape and then decide, “I’m going to do that.” But when it is time to go, will you do it? When you get so sore that you have to fall in a chair to sit down and pray that you can get up will you keep going? When something that sounds like more fun comes along, will you keep going? There will be plenty of opportunity to think, I just can’t do this. It’s too hard. But, if the thought I can do whatever I need to do in life is ingrained in you, then it gives you the determination to press through the difficulties.

    God does not want us to be afraid or discouraged in the face of difficulties. In 2 Timothy 1:7, Paul wrote to his young associate Timothy that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but that He has given us power, love, and a sound mind. Timothy faced many challenges in the huge tasks in front of him and, no doubt, had days like you and I do—days when he was overwhelmed, days he thought he could not take any more pressure.

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