Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind
comes. Remember, according to Colossians 3:2, the way to be prepared is to “set your mind and keep it set.” Don’t be caught off guard and unprepared. Repeatedly thinking and saying, “I can do whatever I need to do in life through Christ,” will help you set your mind and keep it set in that direction, and it will set you up to win in life. Remember, where the mind goes, the man follows!
    Do not allow yourself to think thoughts such as, I just cannot take any more trouble! Or, If one more thing happens I am going to go over the edge! Or, If things don’t change soon—I am giving up! There are many varieties of this kind of thinking—and you may have a favorite thought or saying of this type that you use when you feel overwhelmed. But do you realize these thinking patterns actually prepare you to be defeated before you even encounter a problem? There is nothing strong, powerful, enabling, or victorious in thinking you will “go over the edge” or deciding to quit. Those are losing attitudes, not winning attitudes. Don’t say things like “I feel like I am losing my mind,” or “This is going to kill me.” Instead you can say, “I have the mind of Christ,” and “This trial is going to work out for my good.”
    Be a person who is mentally prepared for any challenge that crosses your path, and do not allow yourself to be easily discouraged and defeated. Always remember that apart from Jesus you can do nothing (see John 15:5), but in Him you can do whatever you need to do in life (see Philippians 4:13). Decide to rock your box until it falls apart.

    Think about It
    What box do you need to rock?
    Exchange Things That Are Not Working
    I’m sure you have walked into a store before with something to exchange. Maybe it was an article of clothing that you decided you didn’t like, a pair of shoes that were uncomfortable, or a gadget that didn’t do what you’d expected. You entered the store with something that didn’t work for you, exchanged it, and left with something that did work for you—something that looked better, fit better, or was more functional. You had to trade what was not effective for something that was.
    The same principle applies to your thinking. If you will exchange your “I can’t” thoughts for “I can” thoughts and begin to say “I can do whatever I need to do in life because God strengthens me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, and whatever He asks me to do, I can do,” you will see remarkable changes begin to happen. If you will build into your character the thought that, with God’s help, you are able to do whatever you need to do in life, you will have more zeal and enthusiasm about facing every day. I have found that I even have more physical energy when I think “I can” thoughts. It helps me to not dread anything that is an energy drainer.
    It’s never too late to begin saying, “I can.” Don’t think or say things like: “My marriage is in too big of a mess. It will never work,” “There’s no point trying to clean this house. It’s in such bad shape it just overwhelms me when I walk in and look at it,” or “I can’t get out of debt because I am in too deep.” “I will never own a home or have a new car,” or “I can’t enjoy my life because I have too many personal problems.” Some of the challenges you face may be very difficult ones, however God never allows more to come on us than we can bear, but with every temptation He always provides a way out! (see 1 Corinthians 10:13). That Scripture not only says He provides a way out, but it also says that He gives us strength to bear up under our challenge patiently. That means we can go through it with a good attitude!

    Your attitude is actually more important than your challenges in life. If you will change your attitude to a more positive, faith-filled one, you will find that your trials are not as bad as you thought they were. I challenge and encourage you right now to

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