POW! (Book 1): The Zombie Days

POW! (Book 1): The Zombie Days by Peter Wonder

Book: POW! (Book 1): The Zombie Days by Peter Wonder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Wonder
Tags: Zombies
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intersection that the zombies were pouring out from. There were zombies crawling all over the place, some were tripping over those that had already fallen. One well-placed shot should let him know exactly what our enemy would be up against.
    "Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ!" I think Cliff was slightly surprised by the explosion. Body parts were raining down atop other zombies. I saw one of them that was now wearing a bloodied stump of a hand as a fashionable new hat that slowly dribbled its blood down his face.
    "Get to work, Cliff. Mac and I can't get them all!"
    Cliff shut his agape mouth, sighted in, and began firing.
    I took out about another dozen. The POW shot was proving to be a most effective weapon against our foes that had us overwhelmingly outnumbered. Their numbers seemed to be thinning out quite a bit already.
    "I'll take out one more cluster of them and then I'll head inside to see what we can accomplish in there. You guys should be able to hold them off," I told the other two as I sighted in on another target.
    I turned and headed inside without bothering to watch the awesome violence that I’d just unleashed upon the undead force.
    "You guys okay?" I asked Kyle once I was inside.
    "No, dude. That sounded fucking awesome! We're all safe and shit if that's what you meant, but I feel like I missed out a little bit." I felt a little bad that poor Kyle had been left out of our reindeer games.
    "I'll let you get some next time, lil fella. Thanks for watching our girls."
    "Nah, it's my pleasure, homie. You know I love the ladies," he said, looking at Carolina.
    "Dude . . . you really creep me out sometimes. Judging by the look on Evelyn’s face, I’m not alone in that matter." I looked over at Evelyn, who was nodding in an uncomfortable fashion.
    "Dude, what the fuck are you talki-"
    "Let's go see what we can find out about this whole bullshit operation they’ve got going on here. What the hell would they need two physicists for?" I asked Evelyn.
    "Well . . . my dad isn't just a physicist. He's a very smart man. He just happened to work primarily as a physicist back in the real world. He also holds degrees in biology, chemistry, and neurology."
    "Oh good, that should really help us to narrow down what they may have been doing. Actually, how about we try to find a way to the roof, that way we can see how many of them are really out there. Even if we find anything here, we won't be able to leave until it's safe enough to do so."
    "I got it homie, I'll go up top and you can stay with the girls this time. I think I've got more ammunition left than you do, anyhow," Kyle volunteered.
    "Okay, we'll split up. If you’re able to get up there be mindful of the fence. We don't want to help them knock it down, got it?"
    "No POW shots near the fence. Got it."
    "POW shot . . . I kinda love that." I smiled at the thought. "Alright, man. Good luck. And keep an eye out while you’re still in here, too. We don't know what to expect. When we've got what we need, we’ll either meet out front or come find you. Let's go ahead and break off."
    Carolina, Evelyn and I took off to the left side of the hallway while Kyle took off down the right. We didn't know what we would find in either direction, but we kind of said our goodbyes already so staying together would have just been awkward at this point.
    Our trio was now headed down a corridor filled with doors. We peaked into each room, looking for some obvious sign of what their nefarious plan could have been. It looked like most of the rooms were now used as living quarters for the research team rather than classes. We opened the shut doors. I kicked in the ones that were locked. It seemed there was nothing interesting in any of them. There were no people to be found in any of them, which I found very discomforting.
    "Well, I imagine we must be getting pretty close to something," I said, mostly in an effort to convince myself that there was still hope.

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