
Posterity by Dorie McCullough Lawson Page B

Book: Posterity by Dorie McCullough Lawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dorie McCullough Lawson
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Brother are the ones that will reap the benefits of the Worthiness of my
practical Studies
, therefor I strongly advise you to believe in Your Father's thoughts, that through this Publication
John may expect
to become rich, respected and highly thought of—
    Twenty Years since, my writing in the present style would have been ridiculous in me—but now, I am
of what I say, and proud that when that I express my feelings freely to my Sons, I am equally sure that I tell them the truth & nothing but the truth; connected with my most ardent wish that they should become most happy, through my exertions connected with theirs—I will finish this as soon as possible after I have seen and delivered the N
34 & 35 for this place and the first Volume for M
. Rees which is also arrived here—Good night

    My Dear Victor—
—This morning I brought N
34 & 35 for the subscribers here, & the Columbia College—I have opened them, and I tell you with pleasure that I think them
very fine
. all I regret is the
in nomenclature, which however may be corrected so that you may have them correct for those persons who have not yet been supplied.—as follows.—plate [—] instead of Grey Tyrant have Titirit Fly Catcher—Muscicapa
—Plate [—]
Muscicapa Cooperii
—also have the
black headed Titmouse
as follows (
for it is a new Species
) The Lesser black headed Titmouse—
Parus Caroliniensis
. My letter press will do the rest. —I will write to Havell.—
    On the 18
Instant I ship to New York 5 Numbers of Water Birds to be forwarded to London by London Packet (I hope that the 1
of Feb.y.—When you receive them, write by duplicate from London & way of Liverpool that you have them, to relieve my anxiety about them. Inclosed is a list of them and of 3 more numbers composed of Drawings which you have in England,
and which
should you not receive the present 5 Numbers; have published rather than to stop the Work from going on regularly—but I hope the 5 Numbers will reach you safely.—
    One of the 2 Volumes you sent is also received here and I have sent John to deliver it to
Mr Rees'
agent who I expect will pay John.—
In a few days
I will send you a Draft or Bill for some money.—
    Show all the Drawings at once to Havell when you receive them—it will prove to him that
the Water Birds
have not more work upon them than the Land ones.—As many Birds have been
, take great care of those Drawings and shew them to
a very few
of your Friends.—
    The 3 Small Drawings of Land Birds being
New Species I wish you to give them for the 3 extra small plates
. —be sure that these go instead of hitherto known Birds which I have sent you and which you have, but which will come in the 4
Volume, a Volume which will be composed of both Land & Water Birds.—take good heart attend strictly to the Publication &c & all will go on well.—
    Friend Bachman has finished another paper on Buzards, notes for this Country—and I shall have 200 Copies of it struck in a few days, for all our Subscribers here and others whom it may concern—
    Good night God bless you.—
    Make arrangements with M
Russel for us.—
    Ever yours Father & Friend
John J. Audubon.
    â€œIf you feel the blues coming upon you,
get a book and a glass of wine . . .”
    Following the Civil War the United States went through a period of astounding progress in industry, science, and engineering. Yet there was no greater advancement made than in the world of ideas. From 1869 to 1909, leading the way of advancement and reform in American education was Harvard president Charles W. Eliot. Modern American universities, as we know them today, were largely structured and shaped by the changes Eliot instituted during his forty-year tenure.
    He believed individual interests, rather than requirements

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