
Possess by J.A. Howell

Book: Possess by J.A. Howell Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.A. Howell
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form on my chest. Carefully cupping his body in my hands, I kissed the top of his head and placed him on the couch cushion. He shifted slightly but didn’t wake up. His big day of exploring had finally worn him out.
    I tiptoed into the bathroom, not wanting to disturb the cuteness that was my new companion. I turned to watch his tiny dark form, a slumbering pile of fluff, as I reached my hand to the light switch. The light bulbs above the bathroom mirror blinked on and buzzed for a second before bathing the room in a harsh glow. I squinted my eyes as they adjusted from the darkness of the living room and yawned as I stretched out and groggily rubbed at them. I wasn’t sure what time it was, but my body still ached for rest.
    Leaning over the sink I turned on the faucet, splashing the cool water over my face and pushing my hair back. When I stood back up, those same green eyes were staring back at me again. But this time I saw him .
    The dark-haired boy from Nolan’s picture frame stood in front of me. No longer a boy, but a full-grown man. He still looked rather young, in his early twenties, like me. His eyes watched my own in an intense stare and, try as I might, I couldn’t look away. My whole body was locked into place, like broken gears jammed together. For several minutes I said nothing. I stood there as his eyes stared deeply into mine. His expression was blank, his pale face smoothed over and void of any hint of emotion.
    “Brody?” The name finally found its way to my lips and a look of recognition spread over his features, his brows lifted slightly but his gaze was unchanging.
    “This isn’t real.” I shook my head, finally breaking away from his stare as goose bumps prickled up my back and forearms. I squeezed my eyes shut, just like the other day. A few seconds and he would be gone. It’s just exhaustion, he isn’t really there . But his fierce emerald gaze dug into me as soon as I opened my eyes again. His chest rose as he appeared to draw in deep breaths, his features grew dark as his jaw jutted out slightly and he leaned toward me.
    “You’re not real.” My voice trembled as I stepped backwards and nearly fell. My words only seemed to upset him. He turned away from the mirror for a moment, and I started to release a breath as my muscles relaxed. But Brody spun around with his arm raised and fist cocked back as anger twisted his features.
    It’s a fucking mirror, Harley. This isn’t real! I clung to the wall to keep my legs from buckling beneath me. The glass of the mirror shattered outward in a loud crash and several pieces flew toward me. I ducked and covered my face as a piece scraped against the back of my hand.
    I stayed there several minutes, not daring to look back up. My heart beat heavily inside my chest as I tried to slow my breathing. This isn’t real , I told myself even as my hands shook. I didn’t dare to lift an eyelid until I felt Remy’s soft fur brushing against my cheek and his loud purring rumbling against my skin.
    As I pried one eye open, I found him curled up in a tiny heap on top of my chest once again. The couch I had been laying on was now lit up with the early morning sun. My body relaxed finally as I carefully sat up, cradling Remy in my arms. It was just a dream. I exhaled slowly, my pulse returned to normal – until I saw glass laying in pieces on my bathroom floor.

    Airing Dirty Laundry
    As much as I didn't want to leave Remy by himself, I needed to get out of the apartment. Brody's face was burned into my mind, haunting me even as I sat wide-awake in the middle of the laundromat. There was no explanation to what had happened last night. No way that my bathroom mirror could have shattered itself. I had been racking my brain all morning, trying to come to a reasonable explanation as to how it could have happened. I came up with nothing.
    That side of the bathroom did not share a wall with a neighboring apartment and it certainly couldn't have

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