Pop Singer: A Dark BWAM / AMBW Romance

Pop Singer: A Dark BWAM / AMBW Romance by Asia Olanna

Book: Pop Singer: A Dark BWAM / AMBW Romance by Asia Olanna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Asia Olanna
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squirm. Get hurt. Have dirt on my face.
    “I haven’t seen you so skinny in a long time,” he said. More like growled. He reminded me of a wolf more than anything, in shape and form. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail. At the edges of his fingers were claws—he never seemed to clip them.
    And his face was angular, pointy, his nose more snout than actual nostrils. And kind of pink too. He always seemed kind of pink, as if he was perpetually blushing. He was skinny, rail thin. Maybe that’s why he enjoyed seeing me on his level. He was balding, at least I had that on him.
    He had a right-hand man, a guy named Hyun-jun. He stood much shorter than Oh-seong, although he was better dressed. He groomed his nails super short. His hair was spiked up, and I could understand women finding him attractive—no signs of thinning hair, a good muscular frame. Oh-seong seemed jealous of Hyun-jun. I thought I might be able to play that dynamic between them.
    But I would first have to get out of my jail cell.
    “I’ve been eating well though,” I said, nudging my head to the empty plate they gave me. They didn’t actually feed me, and I had nothing to eat. It was all a joke to them. A game to see how long I could last or “fast” in their eyes.
    Oh-seong laughed. He sounded like an old car engine. “Now that your entire business is pretty much destroyed,” he said, “why don’t I just hand you to the police now?”
    “Great idea,” Hyun-jun said, smirking. I sensed that he hated being his right-hand man. He had the same kind of air Hae-il did.
    Was he still alive?
    It had been months since I last saw him.
    On fire.
    “We could get a good ransom for your head too,” Oh-seong added. “Wouldn’t that be nice?”
    There were a pair of bars separating Oh-seong and Hyun-jun from me. Since I was tied up against the wall, I couldn’t lift my legs to kick him in the jaw. I couldn’t do much but sit there.
    Swirl a bit of saliva in my mouth and…
    A line of saliva struck the center of Oh-seong’s face. He rocked backwards on his heels, shaking with fury and rage.
    That’s a good boy, I thought. How do you get someone to show their weakness? You taunt them and make them angry. And then you strike.
    I wanted him to feel tantalized. But my chains weren’t good enough. So I swirled around another blend of saliva and dirt—there wasn’t much to eat, and I had to try the weeds nearby growing in the cracks—and spat once more, landing a good loogie right in the center of his forehead.
    Oh-seong gripped the bars of the jail cell. He could’ve broken them in half, if Hyun-jun hadn’t been so quick on holding him back.
    “I’ll deal with him,” Hyun-jun said. He picked out a couple of keys from his pocket, and stepped inside the lion’s den.
    Because I was not a prisoner.
    I was not a fool either.
    I had a plan formulated in my mind.
    Just in an instant, I only needed Hyun-jun a little bit closer.
    “I’ll show you a good lesson,” Hyun-jun said, taking out his AMT Hardballer. It had a black handle, and a silver barrel. It gleamed from what little sunlight was able to get through and into my cell. I stared at the end, wondering if he would actually pull the trigger.
    They had come in many times before to whip me around. To embarrass me.
    But they never killed me. I had been kept for months alive.
    And there was a reason for that.
    Either there was a ransom deal going on or I don’t know what. But they kept me alive for a reason.
    Just a little bit closer now, I thought. Yeah, that’s good boy.
    “I will show you something,” Hyun-jun said, shoving the gun into my mouth. This was to humiliate me. They wanted to pretend that the gun was a cock. That they had power over me.
    “Show me,” I mumbled. I edged my feet closer to Hyun-jun, little by little. Oh-seong

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