Point Shot 02 - Game Misconduct

Point Shot 02 - Game Misconduct by V.L. Locey Page A

Book: Point Shot 02 - Game Misconduct by V.L. Locey Read Free Book Online
Authors: V.L. Locey
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that Dan could see that I’d spent a bit of time talking with the woman. His mouth flattened and he returned to playing Nurse Ratched. Did he want to hear more or not? “I’m not planning on doing the whole dad thing, Dan.”
    His gaze flew from my bandaged arm to my face. “Why not?”
    “Um, because I’m a fucktard with an alcohol abuse issue and a slightly abrasive personality and mouth,” I stammered after the shock wore off.
    Dan shook his head and pushed my arm back against my chest then held it there. He had leaned forward slightly. His breath, which was minty clean, warmed my face.
    “I don’t want you to feel weird about it? Dan, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say here.”
    “Say what you’re feeling.”
    “I’m fucking terrified of you, Heather, the kid and the knowledge that if I don’t produce big-time this will be my last season in the Boston franchise. I get one season to make things right or I’m a twenty-four-year-old flash in the pan.”
    There. It was out. Every fucking bit of it. Gut knotted tight, pulse pounding in my ears, my entire fucked-up existence now hanging on what one short Canuck said.
    “Why are you scared of me?” he asked a full thirty seconds later.
    “Because you’re the only person who ever loved me and if you don’t come back to me I’m pretty much over.”
    He leaned forward just another few inches. His lips settled on mine. Soft, fat, warm, moist, and so soothing, his mouth pressured mine into a response. I kissed him back passionately. Dan knew how to kiss. He knew how to incite me. His tongue flicked over mine then retreated. I lunged for him, my ass leaving the mattress. Dan was ready. He shoved me back onto the bed using the bandaged forearm still resting on my chest. I was already fighting for breath. He stood between my legs, looking down at me with fire leaping in his blue eyes.
    “You promise me two things and I’ll forgive you. Don’t agree before you hear them, okay?”
    “Yeah, okay,” I murmured, worry beginning to nip at the edges of the lust cloud fogging my head.
    “One is that you never lie to me again.”
    “You don’t want a vow about cheating?”
    “No, because I know you love me enough to be faithful now.”
    “Fucking right,” I replied.
    One side of his Elvis Presley mouth twitched upward. He believed me. Yeah, he knew he had me for as long as he could stand me, the short, sexy shit. It was all good. Now to get him out of those clothes and onto all fours so I could get balls-deep in that tight ass of—
    “The second condition is that I want you to try to be a part of the baby’s life if it turns out to be yours.”
    My train of thought hit a stalled gas tanker on the crossing. Big boom with lots of fire and squealing of metal wheels happened inside my head. I was surprised that smoke wasn’t leaking out of my ears.
    “What?” There it was. A word.
    Try linking a few more together, Victor, you moronic twatwaffle.
    “Promise me you’ll try. Every kid needs a father, Vic. Imagine how different your life would have been if you’d known your dad.”
    I sat up and gaped at him. “You grew up in the fucking Cleaver household, Dan. My life was screwed from the moment sperm penetrated egg. You want me to pass along all that toxic to some poor kid who’s the result of yet two more drunken assholes fucking without protection?”
    “I just want you to try, Vic. Just try. You really have potential to love people deeply.”
    “Arou, have you been smoking dried moose dung again, or whatever you Canadians puff?”
    He dropped down into a crouch between my spread knees. His hands rested on my thighs. My balls felt heavier just seeing him in that position.
    “Nah, nothing like that.” He chuckled lightly. “I think this kid could do wonders for you, Vic. How long will it take to get the results?”
    “I don’t know. A couple of weeks I think the lab tech said. Depends on the backlog or something. What about you? Seeing that kid

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