Point of Contention (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Point of Contention (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Louisa Neil

Book: Point of Contention (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Louisa Neil Read Free Book Online
Authors: Louisa Neil
of the engine under her did almost all
    the work. She simply held him between her lips, and the engine idle
    moved him in her mouth. Kay slid him back and forth between her
    teeth, never letting him completely fall from her lips. He groaned
    several times, jutting his hips to go deeper down her throat. She
    sucked him greedily, loving how she could control his orgasm. Of
    course, that meant he controlled her pleasure, too. But to see the
    pleasure on his face was her reward. She shifted to take him deeper
    and tightened her fingers around his base.
    “Fuck me before you come.” It took a few seconds for her words
    to register, and he finally took a step back, fumbling in his pocket
    until he pulled out a condom. He didn’t waste time, simply tore the
    package and sheathed himself. He reached for her hand and put it on
    the throttle behind her head. With his fingers pressed to hers he
    twisted it slightly and the engine roared. “I get it.” Travis moved to
    the back and straddled the tire, pulling her forward to meet him,
    sliding his cock in her pussy in one smooth motion. It was exquisite
    how her body stretched to accommodate him, absorbing each thrust.
    “Christ, you’re tight. I figured I loosened you with my fingers,
    “All the better for you,” she said, and twisted the throttle, his
    words lost to the roar. Kay didn’t know how long he fucked her. All
    she knew is that she was mesmerized by how her body reacted to him.
    She grasped at the handle for balance, and it twisted further, sending
    pulses of energy through her. Kay came, grasping his cock with her
    inner muscles, milking him deeper inside her. He groaned and stilled.
    “I’m gonna come, Kay.”
    “Go ahead, you deserve it, earned it.”
    Travis thrust several times more, and she felt him surge deeper
    Point of Contention
    inside her. She was so relaxed, she didn’t care she was spread naked
    over the seat of a motorcycle in a parking lot at the beach. All that
    mattered was the act and the result. Not to disappoint, he went back
    and licked her again, using his fingers to punctuate his tongue flicking her clit. Kay came again, but it was barely a shudder, her body
    exhausted and sated like never before. She dropped her hands from
    the throttle and reached for him. Travis paused to hitch his pants back
    up to his waist and with a few steps, dropped his leg over the bike and
    lowered his body over hers. This kiss was flavored with her cum, and
    she licked his lips clean. “Thank you.”
    “You’re welcome. How about we get a drink, some food, and then
    I’ll fuck you again, this time in your ass until I’m ready to come.
    Then I’ll pump on your tits and lick them clean.”
    “Promises, promises,” she teased, trying to gracefully get out of
    the position she was in without unsettling the motorcycle.
    “Food first, Kay, then…” He grinned at her and stepped over the
    bike. Travis reached to the ground and handed her jeans and undies up
    to her, which had to be turned right side out before she could attempt
    to put them on. He watched each move as she dressed, smoking a
    cigarette and chuckling as she tried to pull her bra back over her puffy nipples.
    “Let me suck your cock hard and see how fast you get dressed.”
    “Later, it’s time to get out of here.” He helped her to right her
    shirt and held her balance as she put her shoes back on. “Come on,
    Kay, let’s eat, and then I’ll eat you.”
    “What more could a girl ask for.” Kay went with him willingly,
    hopeful for the rest of the night’s activities.
    They never got back to sex. After dinner at a seafood restaurant on
    the way back to the lodge, they discussed Stuart.
    “You realize we just proved him right,” she told Travis while they
    feasted on boiled shrimp and cold beer. “Don’t get me wrong, I
    enjoyed our afternoon, but I bet tonight he’ll be looking at us cross-
    eyed when we get back, as if he knows what we did.”

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