Pledging to Die (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 11)

Pledging to Die (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 11) by Morgan Kelley

Book: Pledging to Die (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 11) by Morgan Kelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Kelley
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being passed around to strangers.
    His anger issues began resurfacing, so he struggled to get a deep breath, but Nick’s words kept playing over and over in his head.
    Obviously, the Rakin men had a good look at the real Elizabeth too. This was far from over.
    “How about we task you and the deputies with handling the campus cops? Since they probably live in your town, they might be a little more forthcoming with you.”
    “Deal, sugar. We’ll take that and run with it.” He picked up his phone and dialed out to his men, calling one in. When the man arrived, he made the introductions.
    “Deputy John Reason, this is Director Elizabeth Whitefox-Blackhawk and her partner. When they need something, you give it to them, you hear?”
    The man shook their hands.
    “What do you need, ma’am?” he asked.
    “Is there any way you can contact the campus cops and pick up any of their records on the girls who went missing? I need to get the interviews, or anything they did to follow up.”
    “Sure thing, ma’am. I’ll get right on it.”
    When he was gone, Elizabeth shook her head. “Nick, are we getting that old? He looks like a high school kid.”
    He laughed. “Yeah, we are, Elizabeth, and he’s not that far off the school circuit. Do you have any little ones?” he asked. “Tell me you didn’t procreate and have little Elizabeth’s all over the place.”
    Ethan wanted to slap the man. He loved having little mini Elizabeths. If it were up to him, he’d have more. Finally, Ethan spoke, “We have four children,” he stated.
    “Golly, girl, you’ve been busy. Again, Dak is going to shit a ton of bricks when I tell him all this. I can’t believe you tossed over my US Marshal brother and had babies too.”
    “Uh, I’m the guy she tossed him over for, so let’s remember I’m right here,” Ethan stated.
    Elizabeth heard the tone in his voice. Normally, Ethan was a lot calmer. It was a little unnerving.
    “I’m sorry, Director. I meant nothing by it.”
    She knew it was time to get him out of there before there was a bloodbath. It was amusing that this time, it wouldn’t be because of her.
    “We’ll meet up tomorrow, Nicky. You get the information for us, and then meet us at the morgue. My ME is working on the autopsies right now.”
    He tipped his hat. “See you, sunshine.”
    She snorted.
    “I didn’t forget.”
    Ethan headed out with his wife, saying nothing. Outside, he climbed behind the wheel of the Denali, still keeping his mouth shut.
    “What?” she asked, finally breaking the ice.
    “Who the hell are you?”
    She stared at him openmouthed. “What?”
    “I have never seen you be so damn happy in a sheriff’s office, including your own. He called you sugar, spun you around, and then ended with sunshine. You’d normally lose your damn mind, but today, you ate it up like candy.”
    Her eyes went wide. “Whoa! You better take a deep breath and get back in control,” she stated. “I don’t see why any of that pissed you off. You’re the one who tells me to play nice, and finally, you get your wish, and you’re pissed off at me?”
    He seethed.
    “Nick is an old friend. He didn't do anything wrong. We’re probably lucky, since we have to keep this quiet. I can trust him not to say anything.”
    “Why? Because you were sleeping with his brother and he proposed?”
    She stared at him. Well, that was a first. Ethan Blackhawk never threw out their past sex lives.
    “What the hell, Ethan?”
    “Well, when were you going to tell me that you had some man propose to you? I was under the impression I was the first.”
    With that, he slammed out of the Denali and walked away. Elizabeth didn't know what to do with this.
    It was shocking.
    She watched him cross the street and enter a coffee shop. Giving him a few minutes, she headed in after him. When she found him inside, he was drinking a coffee and on his phone. He didn't even buy her one.
    Well, that spoke volumes.
    She paid for her coffee

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