Playing with Temptation

Playing with Temptation by Erika Wilde

Book: Playing with Temptation by Erika Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erika Wilde
Tags: Erótica, Romance
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him. “You’re gonna need to step up your game with this one and not rely on just your good looks and charm if you want to keep her around.”
    The woman was old enough to be his grandmother, and she liked to bust his chops. Logan didn’t mind—June’s personality reminded him of growing up and his own feisty grandmother, who’d raised him and his sister after their parents had died in a car accident.
    “Yes, ma’am,” he drawled, trying to keep his amusement under wraps. “No worries. I have every intention of stepping up my game with Raina.” In fact, he couldn’t wait until Raina saw what he had in store for her tonight—shameless, erotic games that would have her at his complete mercy.
    Probably not the romance and flowers that June was insinuating, but it worked for him and Raina and the affair they’d agreed to.
    June moved on to a nearby table to refill other customers’ coffee mugs, and Raina laughed lightly and shook her head. “Wow, she’s a real firecracker.”
    “Yes, she is.” He added a splash of cream to his own coffee and took a drink. “She’s always threatening to find me a nice, sweet, good girl to date and settle down with.”
    “And why not?” Raina’s tone was flippant yet laced with something he could only describe as caustic. “That’s exactly the kind of girl every guy wants to take home to meet the family.”
    “Not me,” he said, suddenly feeling as though he were treading through an emotional mine field of some sort and uncertain as to what might set her off. “I’m not into sweet or good girls.” Not since he’d been burned by one. “I like them bad and wicked,” he teased.
    “Most guys do, until the novelty wears off.” She gave him a tight, forced smile, then picked up her menu so he could no longer see her face, but not before he caught a glimpse of hurt in her eyes.
    He resisted the urge to pull the menu down and ask her what she meant by the comment, because he’d bet everything he owned that it had come from a place of personal experience. He really wanted to know what had prompted such a sharp reply, but he didn’t feel like this was the time or place to push for an answer that clearly was an emotional hot button for her.
    He already knew what he wanted for breakfast, so he set aside his menu and waited for Raina to do the same. June came by again, took their orders, refilled their coffee cups, and continued serving her other customers, as well. The phone Raina had left on the table pinged, and she picked it up, punched in a passcode, and read whatever message had come through.
    After a moment, she lifted her gaze to him. “I’m sorry. I hate being one of those people who are constantly checking their phones at a restaurant, but I need to answer this email from a customer who has a question about wanting to order something off the website.”
    “Go right ahead.” He leaned back in the booth and drank his coffee while she typed out a response.
    Actually, he didn’t mind having a couple of minutes to just take in everything about her. Today she’d worn her blonde hair down in soft waves, just like she had at The Players Club, and he could easily remember how those silky strands had felt sliding through his fingers and wrapped around his fist. She wore minimal makeup, her smooth, rosy complexion giving her a girl-next-door kind of appearance that attracted him just as much as the temptress she’d been that first night he’d met her.
    Her brow was furrowed in concentration as her fingers tapped across the phone’s keyboard and tended to a customer online. Having spent all of yesterday at Sugar and Spice, Logan had seen firsthand just how hard she worked, how dedicated she was to her job, and how serious she was about maintaining a respectable adult toy store that was classy, tastefully decorated, and one that customers found warm, friendly, and inviting.
    She had a great connection with her customers, chatting with regular clients and helping new

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