Playing the Playboy's Sweetheart

Playing the Playboy's Sweetheart by Carol Marinelli Page B

Book: Playing the Playboy's Sweetheart by Carol Marinelli Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol Marinelli
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happening with your mum and I’ll come back to you soon.’
    Hannah’s heart was beating again but she was unconscious and the cardiologist was about to go in and speak to the daughter and explain that she didn’t have very long to live and that Gina was going to extubate her and let things take their natural course.
    ‘Her husband is a patient on ICU,’ Emily explained. ‘Apparently he’s being moved to a general ward today. Laura, the daughter, thinks he would want to see her.’
    Lydia suggested that Emily telephone ICU and explain the situation, and Emily went and did just that.
    Though she didn’t like to admit it, Emily was actually grateful for the time she’d spent on ICU because she did understand better how they would deal with this.
    Emily spoke to Patrick, the head nurse in ICU. ‘Ernest will be shattered,’ Patrick said. ‘He’s already starting to fret that she’s not here. Hannah has been here every morning at nine.’ There was a small pause. ‘Hold on a moment, Emily, I’ll just let Hugh know what’s happening. He’s actually with him now.’
    Emily waited for a few moments but instead of Patrick it was Hugh who came to the phone. Apart from a couple of texts and confirmation that they’d both attend Emily’s father’s wedding and his nephew’s christening, they had barely spoken since Cornwall but certainly the state of, or rather their lack of, relationship wasn’t the issue now. ‘Hi, Emily, it’s Hugh. Could I speak to Ernest’s daughter?’
    ‘What’s her name?’
    Emily took the phone to Laura and waited with her as Hugh spoke to her and then the phone was handed back to Emily.
    ‘I’m going to tell Ernest now what’s happening,’ Hugh said. ‘I’m assuming he’ll want to see her and if so I’ll bring him down, along with one of the ICU nurses to watch him. Is there enough space?’
    ‘Not in Resus but I’ll sort out a cubicle for them.’
    Hugh rang off and Emily took Laura in to see her mother and left her with Lydia as she went to sort out a cubicle and organise it as best she could.
    She took out the trolleys that wouldn’t be needed and then wheeled Hannah over.
    ‘Dad’s coming to see you,’ Laura said to her mum, and squeezed her hand. Emily just wanted to cry. Of course death happened in Theatre but Emily did her best to avoid the relative part. Here she couldn’t pass it on to anyone.
    She looked up when Hugh put his head in the cubicle. ‘Is it okay to bring Ernest in?’
    ‘Yes.’ Emily nodded and Ernest’s trolley was wheeled in. It was heart-breaking because Ernest didn’t break down, he just kept holding his wife’s hand and kissing her face and telling her how much he loved her and what a wonderful life they’d had together.
    ‘How is she?’ Gina came in.
    ‘Comfortable,’ Emily said. ‘Though her breathing’s very rattly.’
    ‘I just want to have a listen to her chest,’ Gina said, and she gave Ernest a smile as she gently examined his wife. ‘I’ll get Hannah something to help make her breathing a little more comfortable.’
    Beth, the ICU nurse, said she’d watch both patients and as Emily went to get the drug Gina came over and wrote Hannah up for some more morphine if needed.
    To the surprise of a few onlookers Emily gave Gina a smile. ‘You’ve been off sick for a while.’
    ‘I’ve had the worst flu,’ Gina said.
    It must have been bad because Gina had lost an awful lot of weight.
    ‘How come you’re in A and E?’ Gina asked.
    ‘Internal rotation.’
    ‘Oh, that sounds painful,’ Gina said, and to the ire of the onlookers Emily laughed.
    Then she stopped laughing as Ernest finally broke down and the sound of his tears came from the cubicle.
    Hannah had gone.
    How, Emily wondered, did everyone but her seem to deal with these things? Beth was all calm and present and had her arm around Laura, Hugh was there with Ernest and Emily just felt like a spare wheel.
    A spare

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