Playing the Part

Playing the Part by Robin Covington

Book: Playing the Part by Robin Covington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Covington
Tags: Playing Around#1
ground his cock against her belly. He was hard, aching for her, but there was no reason to rush. He kissed her, letting her lead the kiss, welcoming her tongue, wet velvet, into his mouth. He roamed his hands over her body, palms coasting along her arms, fingers teasing the tops of her breasts, the line of her cheekbones.
    They broke apart for air, chests heaving with sharp pants that echoed in the quiet stillness of his room.
    “I need to see you. All of you,” he said. At her nod, he pushed her down until she sat on the bed, looking up at him with eyes dilated with passion—almost entirely black except for the thin rim of electric blue. He reached for her glasses, then gently removed them and laid them aside. Turning back to her, Mick quickly shook off his shirt, unfastened his jeans, and slowly pushed them down, stepping out and kicking them to the side.
    His cock, thick and ready, pressed against his belly, the head flushed and glistening with pre-come. Piper made a sound, a soft moan in the back of her throat, and he dropped to his knees in front of her, his hands shaking as they skimmed along her calves and down to the strap securing her shoes at the ankle. Removing one and then the other, he watched her face, memorizing the way her eyelashes fluttered when his palm skimmed her calf and the way she bit her bottom lip when he followed the length of her leg and traced the hot cleft between her thighs.
    Piper’s head lolled to the side as he delved under the damp fabric, finding her slick and swollen. He ghosted over her clit before withdrawing his hand.
    “Oh my God, Mick.” She whimpered in disappointment. “Don’t stop.”
    “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll give you more.” He reached around the side of her dress, pulling the zipper down, revealing inch after inch of her tantalizing skin to his hungry gaze, then eased the dress down her body, followed by her panties, which he tossed on the floor. Finally, he was able to see her. She was beautiful, all soft curves and creamy skin, bathed in the soft lamplight.
    “Goddamn, but you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
    “You don’t have to say that.”
    How could she doubt her beauty? He met her eyes, seeing the doubt there, and decided to show her what she didn’t believe with his words. Capturing her mouth, he swallowed her whimper. And then he cupped her face in his hand, running his thumb over her mouth until she looked at him again.
    “Roll over.”
    Her eyes flared a little, the heat overcoming any questions, and she did as he asked. Mick sat up on his knees, then mapped her slowly, kissing his way down her back, across her sweet ass, and along the backs of her thighs and the tender, ticklish skin behind her knees. He lingered, teasing and caressing her until she was writhing beneath him, legs open, body begging for him to do more. To give her more.
    Easing her over onto her back, he trailed back up her body, following the satiny length of her thigh, tonguing a path along her soft skin until he reached her warm, moist center. His first kiss, a wet lick of his tongue, had her twisting and moaning to the point where his cock throbbed in a silent plea for release. He grasped it in his hand, pumping slowly through the sensation, staving off his need to come.
    Under control once more, he eased forward, his shoulders wedging in between her thighs, urging her to allow him full access to her core as he bathed her with his tongue, lips, and teeth.
    “Yes, Mick. Oh God.” Piper’s cries bounced around the room—wanton, needy, and unashamed. She writhed, pushing herself against his mouth, begging for him to give her release. He teased, keeping her on the edge to heighten her pleasure.
    She tasted like heaven, sweet and earthy in his mouth. She was close, thigh muscles shaking with her need to come. He pressed her open and found her clit, tight and hot, sucking on it in a steady rhythm while she tensed under him, her back rigid, until she shattered

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