Planet Genocide I (Galaxies Collide Book 3)

Planet Genocide I (Galaxies Collide Book 3) by Andrew McGregor

Book: Planet Genocide I (Galaxies Collide Book 3) by Andrew McGregor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew McGregor
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just looked at me…I didn’t down one!’
    Distant shrieks echoed from the direction of the river, the sergeant tensing and glancing round, ‘Very well…more of our soldiers are entering the city from the north and west…the radios are out, so we will need to act independently…how many of them are there?’
    Davis shrugged, his uniform soaked, ‘Hundreds maybe…perhaps even more…I dunno how we will stop them sergeant.’
    The screaming got louder, people running and now sprinting out of the southern streets as Davis and his partner nervously drew their pistols once more, the sergeant doing the same as he strode forward determinedly, a few soldiers beginning to duck behind their four armoured cars as more people fled towards the streets north. A muffled blast from the north startled them, several glancing round as a wide plume of fire and smoke rose into the air in the distance as a rumble spread across the square.
    Empty cars filled the intersection, the drivers and their passengers now fleeing to the north as Davis’s eyes widened, biting his lower lip, ‘Sergeant! We need to stop them getting into the subway system…we will never contain them otherwise…’
    The middle aged sergeant spun round, his expression aghast as a police helicopter swept overhead, ‘It’s probably too late…it’s the army’s problem now! We just evacuate as many as we can…let’s hope they can hold them!’
    The sounds of automatic fire swept across the intersection, shouts from the soldiers as they turned to look in the direction of Brooklyn Bridge, an army officer indicating to them frantically, ‘The forward units are engaging on the bridge…the enemy must be coming across…’ He spun round to face his twenty plus men, ‘Get ready…they will be here soon!’
    The black armoured figures advanced, cutting down all the people that were too slow to run or offer any resistance. Two taxi drivers had driven directly toward a unit of Morgon soldiers, their yellow cabs crushing four armoured figures against the river wall. Dragged from their seats, the brave men were hacked to pieces, the blood sweeping along with rainwater and gurgling into the drains.
    A group of seven male youths, cornered in an alley, had attempted to charge four of the aggressors, their bodies pushed back as they kicked and punched frantically until finally they stood defeated, gasping and bruised with their backs to a wall. Tears had filled their eyes as the tall armoured soldiers stood over them, their eyes glowing in relish as a commander approached, his armoured fist clamping round the nearest boy’s throat as he pleaded in fear, lifting the youngster from the ground, his legs shaking as his eyes bulged with the pressure. A cackle came from the helmet as the youth slowly died, the light fading from his eyes as a sickening crack echoed across the enclosed narrow walls. The three other armoured soldiers drew long blades from their back armour and advanced on the other teenagers, the screams of terror cut short as limbs and torsos were hacked to bloodied pulp.
    Several people just stayed in their cars, mesmerised and inactive in their terror as the black armoured bodies moved around their vehicles. One by one the side windows were smashed, glass crunching under armoured boots as the elderly and young alike were dragged from the vehicles and slaughtered, shrieks of relish and victory filling the air as the blood drenched armour advanced to the north.
    Beneath the city streets, the water levels were beginning to rise in the storm drains, two maintenance workers hurrying to complete the reinforcement of a bowed tunnel wall. As the slurry rose around their boots, the middle aged men worked feverishly to secure angled supports against the damaged brick and cement, their breathing laboured as they glanced warily round into the darkened tunnels.
    One nodded to the other in the light of their helmet lights, ‘We’d best head south to get out…the water

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