Pitbull: He plays hard on the field...He plays harder off it.

Pitbull: He plays hard on the field...He plays harder off it. by Sam Silvetti

Book: Pitbull: He plays hard on the field...He plays harder off it. by Sam Silvetti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Silvetti
through the bend we were anchored in, but with the water fall so nearby I realised that there were probably powerful undercurrents that could sweep somebody away.
    Cursing myself for not having a life jacket on board, I jumped into the river and submerged myself, ignoring the stinging of the cold water against my eyes as I searched.
    With no sign of her and my lungs desperate for air, I surfaced and screamed her name, my shouts echoing off the cliff side and getting lost in the roar of the waterfall.
    Panic rising in my stomach, I dived again, heading for the riverbed, narrowing my eyes as I tried to make out the shape of Emily among the shadows.
    When I could hold my breath no longer, I pushed back to the surface and dragged deep breaths of air down my throat as I looked around for any sign of the woman, who less than a minute earlier, I was going to try and kiss.
    "The champagnes nice," came a voice from above me.
    I spun in the water and looked up into Emily's eyes. She leaned on the side-rail of the boat, a cup in one hand and a smile on her face that turned my fear into happiness. Her wet hair stuck to her face and her dress was clinging to her tits, her nipples made hard by the cold water.
    "Jesus," I said, swimming to the rear of the boat and grabbing the ladder. "Are you okay? Where the fuck did you go?"
    Emily watched me with amusement as I climbed aboard, the water from my clothes joining the water from hers in a puddle at our feet.
    "I went under the boat," she said, "I just got a bit disoriented."
    I grabbed the cup she offered me and drank the contents in one long swig. Champagne had never tasted so good as it did mixed with drips of river water from my face, and I realised that I'd never really liked the stuff anyway. I was glad that a case of beer was tucked away in the cabin.
    "I'll get us a towel each," I said, heading for the stairs in the wheel house. "Start taking your wet clothes off."
    "Really," said Emily, "you expect me to fall for that?"
    "If you don't want to catch a cold, yes," I said, rummaging through the under seat storage. I found two towels and a pile of old clothes. "I've got a hoody and some shorts you can wear."
    "Just put them at the top of the stairs, and don't look," said Emily, her footsteps vibrating through the hull, as she entered the wheelhouse.
    It was too late, I was already half way up the staircase and my head was emerging into daylight. "Wow," I said, under my breath.
    Wow was an understatement. Emily stood above me, completely naked, her arms moving to cover her tits as she saw me. "Don't look!" she shouted, her legs closing in an attempt to hide the short auburn hairs between her legs.
    "I can't look away," I said, with complete honesty. "You're beautiful, Emily."
    Memories of the hotel room burst into my mind. Emily screaming my name, her pussy tight around my cock and her fingers tugging at her erect nipples.
    I had to have her again. Blood flooded my groin and my cock stiffened.
    "Come down here," I said, offering her my hand.

Chapter Nineteen
    Whether it was the champagne playing games with my brain, or the fact that ever since I'd slept with Jack, I couldn't erase the memory of his body from my mind, I didn't know. What I did know is that my hand was moving towards his as he asked me to go downstairs with him.
    Everything moved in slow motion apart from the lust that was building inside me at an alarming rate. I'd known ever since he'd made an appearance in my office and ripped Peter Cross from on top of me, that I had to sleep with him again. That I would sleep with him again. I'd never imagined it would be on a river boat though.
    The simple fact was that I didn't care anymore. A letter had arrived in the post the day before, offering me the job in Germany, and I was going to accept it.
    There was nothing to lose, and I was a girl who jumped at opportunities. The opportunity of being impaled on Jack's dick once more was tempting. It was more

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