Pink Shades of Words: Walk 2016

Pink Shades of Words: Walk 2016 by Anthology

Book: Pink Shades of Words: Walk 2016 by Anthology Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthology
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months, after we’d nailed a mutual enemy together.
    He and his family had their own reasons for taking scumbags like these down. And their organization specialized in doing so, completely off the grid, all while keeping their records clean. While their reasons were personal, mine had always been professional, until today.
    Alexa and I had already met up with Dante this morning, and he’d given his usual ‘whatever it takes’ stamp of approval.
    My palms were sweating now. I couldn’t stand her being away from me like this. All I wanted to do was get her out of there. Instead, I let the battle continue to rage inside of me while I watched men reach out to touch her. 
    God, I still remembered the first time I saw that woman. She was kicking one of the gym trainer’s asses, who was supposed to be giving instructions on how to bring an attacker down. The poor bastard had no idea how advanced she was until her tiny taped up fist landed on his jaw. Damn, was that hot.  I couldn’t rip my eyes away.
    I never saw the frail, broken girl she’d been after her rescue. Since there was no family to return to, Dante’s family’s organization took her in. They rehabilitated and developed her into the strong woman I quickly fell in love with.  And for that, I’m forever grateful.
    Just knowing that this group was responsible for turning my girl’s life around convinced me to quit my security consulting jobs and join the team fulltime.
    Even though I’d seen Alexa kick some serious ass, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to handle putting her safety in jeopardy again. As far as I was concerned, this was her first and last mission.  I’d only agreed to let her in on this one because it was personal.
    I had a feeling, however, I wasn’t going to get my way on this one.  She didn’t mind me going all alpha on her every so often, but once she got a taste of bringing these sons of bitches down, she was going to want in on every operation I was involved in. She didn’t take no for an answer, even from me, so I’d have to figure out a compromise to keep the peace.
    I’d worry about that another day.
    I kept the microphone muted so she could concentrate on the job at hand—plus the guys had already given me enough shit about flirting with her. Fuck them. I knew what she needed and didn’t care who was around to hear, as long as it helped her.
    “When should we surround the house, boss?” Tim, one of my guys leading the combat team, asked over the walkie-talkie.
    I pressed talk on my handheld. “Get ready.  The second she sees him, I want you guys waiting to close in.  Every exit needs to be covered.”
    My oldest friend, Abel, raised his eyebrow. “Not our first rodeo,” he said sarcastically.
    In the forces, he and I undertook many covert operations together. For three solid years, we’d taken two tours to Afghanistan and one to Iraq.  During that time, we’d seen lots of wild shit, met some incredible people, as well as plenty of crazy motherfuckers. We’d become as close as brothers. He’d stayed with me when I opened my private security business, then stuck around when I joined forces with Dante.
    Grunting, I zoomed in on a guy’s hand as he reached out to touch Alexa. “I know.” I pointed to the monitor, making quick eye contact with Abel. “But that’s my girl in there. The stakes are a lot higher this time.”
    He clapped me on the back. “We’ve got this. Don’t worry.”
    I relaxed my shoulders for a moment. Most of the guys on the team had grown close to Alexa during her training, before Abel and I had ever come on board. I knew they’d never let anything happen to her. At least, anything they could control.
    My eyes widened and my fists tightened as another asshole pressed himself against her, saying vile things in another language. I’m sure she didn’t understand what he’d said, but I sure as fuck did. I swear to all things holy, I was going to rip these fuckers to shreds the first chance I

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