Picket Fence Pursuit
who are going as Bible school workers or general helpers. We’ll go to that group.”
    “So, they break up to. . . ?”
    “To talk about the items we need to collect for our specific purposes—so that we can plan what we want to do and how we want to go about doing it.”
    “Oh, okay.”
    Kylie found a seat in the already made circle beside a large woman with an infant on her lap. “Hi.”
    “So, what are you going to be doing in Belize?” the woman asked.
    Kylie shrugged. “I don’t have any special talents. I can hold a baby, though.”
    “Ya want to start now?” The woman’s face broke into a large grin. “I’m supposed to be making coffee for the group, but my husband couldn’t get off work in time to watch Suzanna.”
    “Sure.” Kylie reached for the baby then turned Suzanna around to face her.
    “My name’s Candy.” She pulled up the baby’s falling shoe. Suzanna smiled up at Kylie. “I think she likes you. You’ll do just fine.”
    Kylie peered down at the baby. “I have four nephews and three more babies on the way.” Of course, Kylie had hardly ever held any of them. She’d been too busy to visit much. A pain stabbed her heart as Suzanna reached for her necklace. Sudden longing for her family nestled inside her as she inhaled the sweet scent that belonged only to babies.
    “She’s a cutie, isn’t she?” Ryan sat beside her.
    “She’s such a blessing for Candy and her husband. They had five miscarriages. Candy couldn’t seem to carry a baby to term.”
    “Really?” Kylie caressed the baby’s soft, chubby hand.
    “Yeah. Candy and Michael looked like the perfect couple. Great jobs. Nice home. Both loved the Lord. But they hurt on the inside because they wanted a child so badly.”
    “I’m happy God allowed Candy to have her.”
    “Suzanna’s adopted.”
    “She is?”
    A man at the front of the circle motioned for the meeting to begin.
    Ryan leaned over. “Sometimes God gives us a different route. It may not be the one we expect, but it’s still perfect.”
    Kylie kissed Suzanna’s cheek. She tried to focus on the plans the group started to make, but she hashed over Ryan’s words in her mind. She’d marked her destination as a high-school teen. Mapped out the perfect route and followed it to exactness. She was sure God had guided her decisions. Logically—practically, her plan made sense.
    She glanced at Ryan. Not only was he fun to be around, his heart was also big, so generous—she’d never met anyone like him. And integrity. He didn’t kiss her when she gave him the chance. She knew he wanted to. Her destination—graduation and a good job—was so close, only months away. Studying Ryan, she knew her heart longed for a detour.
    God, my route is a good one. I want to be able to help my family. Surely I am following Your will. She glanced down at the Suzanna. Her heart wasn’t convinced. Even her mind couldn’t form solid confirmation. And peace evaded her completely.
    Ryan stuck a french fry into his mouth, then swallowed a gulp of pop. “So, whaddya think about Belize?”
    “I can’t wait to go.”
    “I’m telling you, Ki, there is nothing better than to see those children’s eyes light up when we come. They know we’re bringing balloons and candy and toys, and they know more about Jesus than a lot of churchgoing adults I know.”
    “I don’t think I could dress up like a clown or anything like that.”
    “Hold the babies, huh?”
    “Yep.” She grinned, and crimson flooded her cheeks and neck. “Or help in any way I’m needed.”
    “You’ll do wonderful taking care of babies.” He thought of Suzanna, wiggling in her arms. Contentment had flooded her face, and for a moment, Ryan imagined Kylie holding their child, their daughter.
    He longed to take Kylie in his arms. Before the meeting, he’d almost done it. She’d closed her eyes, welcomed his kiss. But she wasn’t ready. He knew she wasn’t. He didn’t want to

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