Phantom of the Wind

Phantom of the Wind by Charlotte Boyett-Compo

Book: Phantom of the Wind by Charlotte Boyett-Compo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Boyett-Compo
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that no other male would ever satisfy her.
    She clung to him, sensing more than just the passion riding him. She could feel tremors in his body that—when she finally realized what they were—shocked her to her core. He was pumping into her violently and crying at the same time. When his climax came, he roared with the release and she looked up to see tears falling down his cheeks.
    “Quinn?” she questioned.
    He was gasping for breath, his cock still deep in her body. Slowly he lowered his head and when their eyes met she saw the terrible hurt, the sorrow that had been dredged up from his very soul.
    “Baby, what is it?” she asked.
    “Did you come?” he countered, his chest heaving. “Did you come, wench?”
    She hated to tell him that she hadn’t so she nodded. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
    One moment he was inside her, the next he was across the room, sitting on the floor, his back to the wall, his knees drawn up. “Your horse is saddled,” he said. “You’d best leave before it gets dark.”
    Kendall sat up, her forehead crinkled with confusion. “What are you talking about?”
    “I want you gone, wench!” he yelled at her. “As quickly as you can get your clothes on.”
    “But why?”
    “Because I’m tired of you,” he said in a hateful voice she had never heard him use before. His dark sapphire eyes were almost black with anger. “You’re nothing but a millstone around my neck, wench. I’m sick of you moaning about how we don’t spend enough time together.” He plowed a deeply tanned hand through his black curls. “Hell, I’ve a job to do. I don’t have time to play lift-the-skirts with you every day I get off from this fucking mission that never seems to end!”
    She could do nothing but stare at him as lightning cracked, thunder rolled and the rain pounded relentlessly against the roof. Unable to believe he would send her out in weather such as that was more than she could comprehend.
    “You don’t mean that,” she said, coming to her knees. She reached for her blouse, bringing it to her bare breasts.
    “What part of I don’t want you here do you not understand, bitch?” he shouted.
    Kendall was trembling so violently she could barely stand. He was glaring at her with such hatred, such anger, she felt it like a slap in the face.
    As dreams went, it became a living nightmare in the flash of a fiery stitching down from the heavens. In slow motion, Kendall relived it—as she would over and over again for many years. She watched him shoot to his feet and stalk over to her, grabbing her upper arm in a cruel, vicious grip that made her cry out.
    “Get your ass out of here, woman!” he shouted into her face. “I’ve no more use for you!”
    “Why are you doing this?” she asked. She was dragging in hitches of breath, her hands trembling with emotion. She held a hand out to him. “Quinn, why?”
    He knocked her hand away. “Because I’ve found a new woman and she’s twice the whore you are in bed,” he said viciously, shoving her away from him. “Now get the hell out!”
    Once more the dream changed and she was on her horse, the rain pouring down upon her as she lashed her mount, racing him recklessly through the forest and down the mountainside. She didn’t care about the lightning zapping to the ground around her. A part of her wanted it to hit her, to wipe away the agony of spirit that was mixing her tears with the pummeling rain.

Chapter Four
    1220 CMT
    “You’re a son of a bitch,” Kendall told Quinn.
    He opened his eyes to look at her. “You’re just now discovering that, wench?” he asked.
    “You were crying in your sleep, you bastard,” she threw at him. “Did you know that?”
    His face shut down. “My knees were hurting. Did you know that?”
    “Your knees are mended, Phantom,” she told him. “There shouldn’t be any pain now.” She folded her arms over her chest. “Were you dreaming about that last day at the cottage in the Highlands?”

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