Pets: Bach's Story
glare she gave him, he was pleased to note, the idea didn’t strike her as a happy one.
    He had dressed her this morning in a small child’s white play dress that tied at the back between her shoulders, but left her exposed bottom a very open and available target. Matching tights and a baby’s soft shoes with pink bows on the toes completed the image of a very spoiled and pampered pet. Her coppery mane was done up in the three ponytails—two on top of her head and one at the back of her nape—which was customarily worn by very young school children.
    She mixed right in with Ralhan’s quite obviously cherished pets.
    “This is my oldest one, Minmin,” the agent said, pointing to the taller of the three.
    Slender as a twig, she was dressed in a sunny yellow jumpsuit, with a white bow in her short brown hair.
    “Binnie, get your feet down,” Etle told to the smaller of three.
    Laying on her back with her shoes kicking at the arm of the sofa, Binnie gave Etle a mutinous look, but took her feet off the cushions and put them back on the floor. Her little blue dress had a white bib front with a stitched flower on it. Her curly blonde hair was just long enough to pull into two pigtails at either side of her head.
    Etle looked to Ralhan, who frowned and nodded, and she stepped in amongst the pets to take Binnie by the arm, hauling her to her feet.
    “No, no, Momma!” Binnie cried out as Etle lead her from the living room and down the hall to one of the back rooms.
    Bach heard the pet begin to cry a short minute before a distant door closed, muffling the sound.
    “She’s been a little pouty since we brought Sassa home,” Ralhan explained. “Jealousy, you know. She’d grown used to being the baby of the family.”
    Sassa hugged her toy closer and Pani jumped when, despite the muffling of the door, they heard the first crisp smack of what quickly became the sounds of a regal spanking. Binnie’s wails reached ear-piercing decibels within the first twenty vigorous swats, and still the spanking carried on for a good long time.
    “I do believe Etle’s had enough of that attitude,” Ralhan stated.
    The shrieks escalated into frantic howls, and Sassa began to cry. Pani turned around, tangling herself on her leash to look up at Bach. With very wide eyes, she tried again to hide behind him.
    Minmin was the only one that seemed unaffected by the sound. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, she opened a picture book in her lap and flipped through the pages.
    Ralhan stepped around Minmin to pick up Sassa. “She’s a sensitive thing,” he told Bach.
    “Cries every time the other two get their tails reddened. In fact, she hardly needs any spanking at all herself.”
    He lifted the back of her pink dress and pulled up the leggings of her panties to show the fresh bruising that decorated the curve of her rump. “She got that last night. I was very gentle with her really. Of course, she carried on like I was killing her. Her first weekly spanking. She was truly devastated. I had to hold her for an hour afterward, poor thing sobbed herself dry.
    What’s worse, she doesn’t understand anything you say to her unless it’s ‘hello’, so I couldn’t even explain to her that weekly spankings were going to be a permanent part of her life with us.”
    Ralhan stroked her hair, dropping a fond kiss onto her forehead when Sassy wrapped her arms around his neck and lay her head on his shoulder. “I do think from now on, though, I’ll only give her a fraction of the paddling I give Binnie and Minmin, who need it more.”
    Bach admired the marks on Sassa’s flanks, then pulled Pani from out behind his leg again.
    Unclipping her leash, he set it on a small table and turned Pani around. Lifting the back of her dress, he pushed her panties down just far enough to bare the summits of her buttocks.
    Pani squirmed to yank them back up and even tried to grab his hands to keep him from pulling her underwear farther down. In the end, Bach pinned

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