Personal Possessions
in actuality, I would end up with it as Bear
blocked me to make it to the first down.
    Blaine counted down. “54
hut…19 hut…hike, hike!” Nate snapped the ball, Blaine caught it and
acted as though he was going to fake the pass. I made a quick
comeback and grabbed the ball. Defenders were coming in at me from
all sides, and Bear was doing his best to block them off of
    I made it past the first
down mark and kept running, fifteen yards, ten yards… next thing I
knew, I was in the end zone hearing “Touchdown Eagles!!!” The
announcer was screaming. The crowd was standing and cheering.
“Senior Trevor McHale, number four scored the touchdown, tying up
the score. Junior, Lyle Washington is heading out to the field to
see if he can get the field goal…”
    Looking back now, I
realize what was in Bear’s eyes. That wasn’t frustration, or him
psyching himself up for the play. That was hate, pure down to the
bottom of his soul hatred.
    “Washington makes the
field goal. Eagles lead thirty-one to twenty-four with only two
minutes left in the last quarter. We held the other team off for
two more plays until finally, we were down to the last play, and
getting the ball back. Getting ready to head back out to the field,
Bear and Coach walked by. I overheard him begging, “But Coach, just
once. I know there’s scouts here, give me one play.”
    Coach wasn’t listening. He
was pacing the field watching what was happening. I took one last
squirt of my water bottle, and swished the cool water around in my
mouth before I spit it out. I looked over in front of the crowd and
saw Elle was the only cheerleader not cheering. She was staring
back at me. She could see my face and from the look on hers, my
expression wasn’t a positive one.
    I winked to let her know I
was fine, and she nodded once. At that time, I wasn’t very good at
giving false hope but eventually I started to become a pro at it.
She didn’t need to know about whatever was going on between Bear
and me, and this sure as hell wasn’t the time or the place to deal
with it.
    “McHale!” I looked over at
Coach and saw him point to the field with his thumb over his
shoulder, telling me to get my ass out on the field. Grabbing my
helmet, I ran out onto the field. Bear followed behind close, till
he caught up beside me. “Dude, ya gotta have Blaine give me the
ball.” I turned my head to look at him, and I could tell he really
wanted this one chance. Nodding in agreement, I headed for the
    “Ok girls, this is what’s
gonna happen,” Blaine began, I interrupted him.
    “Give it to Bear, Blaine”
I requested. Bear’s eyes came to me, as did Blaine’s.
    “What are you, fuckin’
nuts?” Blaine sniggered. “I’m not here to make sure that he walks
pretty down the runway for the judges, I’m here to win this game!”
I stood toe to toe with him, “Just give him the fuckin’ ball,
    Screaming right back at
me, “Fine! But if he fucks this up, it’s your ass. You got me,
McHale.” I looked at Bear, and made sure he intended to give this
play his all. He nodded, and we went through with the
    Sherman “The Sandwich
Maker” Taylor was set to block Bear, then they were gonna have Bear
run down the field and just do a basic textbook play. Blaine
roared, “Hike,” and the whole play happened in slow motion. I went
around to block the man who was rushing Blaine, seconds passed as
though they were minutes, waiting for Bear to get down to the
    Blaine’s arm flew back to
send the ball, and it went flying as he went down. I followed the
ball, seeing Bear catch it, I closed my eyes in relief. I could
hear the announcer calling every minute of the play, and I could
hear and see the play as it happened.
    Bear was at the fifteen
yard line, I could see a yellow jersey coming at him from the
stadium but none of our players were down close enough to him. I
immediately headed towards him. Bear wasn’t even looking that way;
his eyes

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