Perfectly Too Far

Perfectly Too Far by Regina Button Page B

Book: Perfectly Too Far by Regina Button Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Button
through, making her moan, even though she
bit her tongue to try and quell it. Onyx rose up, standing between
her wide thighs, his hands resting on her hips. It was lewd, Judith
knew, for her to be in this position. If he wanted to, he could pull
his manhood free and slide it into her right then.
why is that so hot? I don't understand anything anymore!
    She thought she should have been more scared, but her attention was
focused acutely on the feel of his gloves. He rolled them up, grazing
lightly across the top of her ass. “I see I left some marks
last time, I hope they served to remind you to behave today?”
    “ Y—yes,
Master,” she breathed out, licking her lips and wishing he
would just touch her a bit lower. Her quim tingled, wanting
attention, but he didn't seem keen to offer it.
    “ Tonight,”
he said, “I'm going to teach you a lesson in patience, as well
as worth. I want you to understand what it means to belong to
someone, to be a possession, everything it entails.”
doesn't sound good, she thought,
her eyes widening behind her mask.
    “ I've
decided I want to put on a show for everyone, and you'll be the
star.” He squeezed her pliant rear, making her flinch. “I'm
going to show you I can do whatever I want to you, little Sparrow. Doesn't that sound good?”
    Her answer wavered, her heart choking her where it rose in her
throat. “Yes, Master.”
is he going to do to me?
smiled, a look that made every bit of her tremble. Moving away, he
wandered over to a small desk she hadn't noticed before. As he
rustled in it, Judith heard the first foot steps. Oh, god,
    They entered quietly, but not because they needed to. The men waved
to Onyx, who nodded his head as they settled in. Judith saw there
were some women with them, realizing they all wore various collars
around their throats. She didn't know if she hadn't noticed them
before, or if perhaps none of the women she had met had worn them.
probably didn't know what to look for, but now...
only girl without a collar lifted her head, long enough to meet
Judith's eyes. Startled, she realized she knew the woman. One
of the other new submissives, I think her name was Tara? Toying
with her curly brown hair, she looked away quickly, as if ashamed to
be witnessing Judith on the table. Will she go through
this, too, eventually? Why is Onyx doing this to me now, and none of
the others?
    Confused by the situation, she closed her eyes, placing her forehead
on the flat surface. If she could have stayed like that, pretended no
one was even around, she would have.
    Something firm brushed her lower back, causing her to jump and let go
of the table.
    Instantly, Onyx spanked her, his voice barking. “Did I tell you
to let go of the edge?”
    “ No,
no, sorry, Master!” Red as a beet, she grabbed again, but it
didn't satisfy him. Setting whatever he had touched her with on her
back, as if she herself were a table, he moved around and bound her
wrists to the wood. The shackles clicked into place, unyielding.
was truly trapped.
    Looking up, she saw how close he was, to the verge of almost seeing
through the eye holes of his mask. But then he was gone, removing the
weight from her spine and heading behind her. Judith looked over her
shoulder, anxious about what he had planned.
    She didn't understand what she was seeing. Onyx held something in his
glove, it was silvery and attached to a bundle of cloth. He didn't
seem intent on explaining it, either, for he lowered it towards her
thighs, wordlessly pressing it against her pussy.
    Judith jumped, but couldn't move away. With her muscles tight and her
belly quivering, she felt him hooking straps around her hips, until
he had fastened something that pressed against her lower lips and
along the crease of her ass.
    “ There,”
he purred, stroking up her spine and lifting goosebumps where he
went. “This should be fun. Little Sparrow, what I have here is
a fun show for myself and my

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