Perfectly Too Far

Perfectly Too Far by Regina Button Page A

Book: Perfectly Too Far by Regina Button Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Button
that passage
before. But when they passed through the open curtains, and she saw
the familiar couches, that unforgettable table.
is the room I wandered into the first night!
there were no other people, yet her nerves still sparked as she
stared around. Why did he bring me here?
    “ Come,”
he motioned, having moved to stand by that foreboding table, his tone
revealing he couldn't even conceive of her resisting. On legs as
unstable as wet spaghetti, the girl walked towards him.
    Mere feet away, the pair sized each other up. Judith was trying to
judge his face, the cut of his smile, looking for any sign that this
situation was not going to turn into what her paranoid mind expected.
    For his part, Onyx only parted his lips in a toothy grin. “You
look lovely tonight. It's a shame you won't be wearing that dress for
words, mentioned so calmly and factually, caused her to almost swoon.
Her mouth was dry, keeping her from speaking, which she knew she
should be grateful for. Arguing with him would only make
this worse.
    “ Take
it off, girl,” he flicked a finger at her, strict as ever.
I don't listen, will he spank me again? The concept filled her with a burning lust, quick as lightning.
Excited by his firm instructions, the way he stood there unwavering
in his position of power, Judith forced her hands to the hem of her
    Inching it up, she pulled it over her head, like tearing off a band
aid. If she gave herself too much time to ponder her actions, she was
worried she'd panic and back out. Her mask, caught in the motion,
almost pulled free. Flustered, she adjusted it and let the green
garment fall to the floor.
    Standing there in her lingerie, Judith fidgeted, tempted to cover
herself. Her master nodded his head, silently approving. “Now
the rest.”
course, did I expect any less?
    Reaching back, she unclasped the bra, shooting a look at the entrance
as she did so. Still, no one entered, and she calmed at the idea they
would remain alone. Soon, she gripped her panties, sliding them down
her creamy thighs, adding them to the growing collection at her feet.
    In only her simple flats, Judith waited patiently for Onyx to
instruct her again.
    “ Good
girl. Lay across the table on your stomach, reach for the far end and
grab the ledge.”
though her intuition had expected this, her stomach still coiled and
twisted like she had eaten live snakes. It's going to
happen, I'm going to end up like that blonde woman. It
struck her, then, how odd it was to not even know that girl's name.
    Stepping forward, Judith leaned over the long table, the surface cool
on her belly. It pressed on her skin, her body stretching as far as
it could to hold the far edge. The temperature made her shiver, her
nipples hardening where they were crushed beneath.
    Lifting her head, she glanced back to see Onyx standing behind her,
openly admiring the view. With her feet slightly apart, her ass
exposed, she was sure he had a good eyeful. Blushing furiously, she
started to bring her legs together to keep some of her dignity.
    “ No,”
he snapped, making her freeze. “Spread your legs, wide as you
can, and don't you dare try to move them.”
is humiliating, she thought
silently, but despite that, her loins were starting to throb with
sudden lust. Knowing he had his eyes fixed on her, she slid her heels
to the sides.
she was sure it was far enough, Onyx kicked them out even wider. Her
legs strained, trembling in their extreme position.
don't know if I can hold this.
    Firm, familiar, his gloves gripped her ankles, shackling them into
place. Judith gasped, understanding how vulnerable she truly was. He
was bent low, so she could hardly see him from her angle.
    But she could feel him.
    Languidly, Onyx ran his palms up her calves, on and on until he
tickled the back of her firm hamstrings. His voice rang with the
smirk she couldn't see. “Your scent is amazing.”
    The rush of desire coursed

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