Perfect Pub Quiz

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Authors: David Pickering
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put into orbit by the space shuttle
in 1990?
Who, in 1979, provided hitchhikers with a guide to the galaxy?
What does an orrery show?
Which planet was discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1781?
Star Trek
, how long was the
’s original mission supposed to last?
What name is given to a cloud of gas and dust in space?
Which country achieved the first unmanned moon landing?
How old (to within two years) was John Glenn when, in 1998, he became the oldest man in space?
    Round 4: Pot Luck
    What, according to the proverb, is the thief of time?
Who is the assassin’s target in the thriller
The Day of the Jackal
? 42
Which jockey has won the most Classic races?
How many sides are there in a dodecagon?
Who was renowned as the Butcher of Broadway?
What is the name of the ritual dance performed by New Zealand’s international rugby team before the start of play?
What did Oscar Wilde dismiss as ‘the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable’?
Which dipsomaniac journalist is named in the title of a play by Keith Waterhouse?
Which supermarket chain was built on the slogan ‘Pile it high, sell it cheap’?
Which is the most expensive property in Monopoly?
    What is the secret language of beggars and tinkers called?

    Quiz 43
    Round 1: Pot Luck
    Who wrote the American Declaration of Independence?
In which Beatles film was the Blue Meanie a character? 43
Who was the author of the mammoth cycle of seven novels published in English as
Remembrance of Things Past
Which musical instrument did Django Reinhardt play?
Which country has the longest coastline?
In which film did Bette Davis deliver the line ‘Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy night’?
Which puppet character helped restore the fortunes of the commercial breakfast television company TV-am in the 1980s?
Which famous playwright wrote a 30-second play comprising a single breath and then a cry?
More people died in the Vietnam War than in World War I – true or false?
Which famous baseball player did film actress Marilyn Monroe marry?
    Round 2: Motoring and Motorists
    Who made the first petrol-fuelled car?
When Americans say ‘hood’, which part of a car are they referring to?
Which German-made car was originally intended as a car of the people during Hitler’s Third Reich?
Which annual rally for veteran cars provided the backdrop for the 1953 film
Which singer was driving a fast car in 1988?
Where did an accident in 1969 cost the life of Mary Jo Kopechne in a car driven by Senator Edward Kennedy?
Whose hits included ‘House of fun’, ‘It must be love’ and ‘Driving in my car’?
Which much-loved car was dubbed ‘the plastic pig’ when a new model was launched in 1989?
Who had their first hit in 1975 with a single about German motorways?
What aid to motorists made its first appearance in 1931?
    Half-time teaser
    How many men have landed on the Moon to date?
    Round 3: Waging War
    Who, on 28 June 1914, fired the ‘shot that rang round the world’?
What public act of defiance on 16 December 1773 increased tension in the lead-up to the American War of Independence?
Who released an album called, simply,
What was the name given to the apparently divine warriors who were reported to have come to the aid of the Old Contemptibles when hard-pressed in August 1914?
During which war did soldiers first wear what became known as balaclavas?
What was the name of the herbicide dropped by US bombers to defoliate trees during the Vietnam War?
What was the nickname of the Seventh Armoured Division that fought in North Africa during World War II?
In 1991 which country was liberated in the course of Operation Desert Storm?
Which World War II operation had the code name Barbarossa?
Which war ended with the Treaty of Vereeniging?
    Round 4: Pot Luck
    On which Beatles album cover did Paul McCartney appear barefoot, leading to speculation that he had died?
In which horror film did Mia

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