
MrTemptation by Annabelle Weston

Book: MrTemptation by Annabelle Weston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annabelle Weston
    She looked over her shoulder. “Breakfast? I don’t usually
eat breakfast.”
    He caught up with her and grabbed hold of her arms. “There’s
a bagel and coffee shop near my office.”
    She sighed. His power of persuasion was more than she could
resist. His touch sealed the deal. “Okay. That sounds great.”
    He leaned over to kiss her but she shied away. She was
keeping him from his work. She didn’t want him to kiss her as an obligation.
    “Thank you for dinner, I had a fabulous time.”
    “Me too.” He let her go.
    She’d had such a great evening with him. She really did like
him. She wanted to see him again, even if it was only for breakfast.
    He held his BlackBerry in his hand, ready to make a call.
    Don’t be so uptight , she thought. How many
opportunities do you have to kiss a great guy?
    Cadence turned to face him, wrapped her arms around his neck
and pressed her lips to his. He returned the kiss. Boy, did he return the kiss.
He sucked on her lower lip sending her body into spasms.
    Reluctantly she pulled away, knowing if they kept it up she
would be stripping on the sidewalk.
    She laughed. When did she become this brazen, thinking such
bawdy thoughts?
    “That’s better,” he said, holding her by the waist. “I’m truly
sorry our evening has to end so soon.”
    “Yeah? Well…” She could say something smart, sophisticated,
but she opted for honesty. “I know you’re busy and I’ve taken up too much of
your time today already.”
    He let her go. “It’s been my pleasure.”
    “I’ll see you in the morning.” She smiled and, despite her
body screaming for another round of kissing, headed for the entrance, giving
her hips a little extra sway for his benefit.
    She pushed through the revolving door and when she was
inside the hotel, looked outside. The Caddy was already gone.
    That was a quick getaway , she mused. Was he really
going to the office? Maybe he’d made up the excuse to ditch her? It was early
in the morning in London. Who’d be up at that hour?
    She berated herself for such thoughts. She was being
ridiculous, why ruin a perfectly wonderful and erotically charged evening with
her insecurities?
    And yet she couldn’t help herself. The doubt was always with
    The elevator door opened and she went inside. She pressed
the button for her floor, sighing heavily. The door closed and she leaned her
head back on the mirrored wall. He’d practically admitted he’d carried a torch
for her for ages. He wanted to see her again in the morning for breakfast.
    She looked at her face. There was a dreamy quality to her
expression that amused her.
    Oh, well. Tomorrow was a new day.
    It’d be wrong to give in to impulse, wouldn’t it? She just
met him. She shouldn’t really get involved with someone anyway. She’d a lot on
her plate right now, what with moving out of her condo and finding a job, she
decided but without conviction.
    The elevator opened with a ping and Cadence walked somberly
into the hall.
    She missed him already.
    She found her room card in the bottom of her purse and
opened the door. She threw her purse on the floor in her room.
    She strode through the double doors to her bedroom, flopped
backward onto the bed and dramatically threw her arm over her eyes. A smile lit
her lips.
    She wasn’t normally one for theatrics but the day had just
been amazing. The evening had almost fulfilled her every wish. Almost.
    She fell asleep where she was.
    She dreamt of Preston.

Chapter Six
    Preston held his cell phone tight in his grip. What a jerk
he was. Why had he ditched Cadence to call his contacts in London? The call
could easily have waited until morning. She’d been so hot in the Caddy…the way
her eyes had darkened and she’d sucked her lip into her mouth as she came. God,
he wanted to see that over and over again, except next time he wanted his cock
to be buried deep inside her. He’d had a chance tonight too, and he’d blown it.
    Why did he put work before

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