Pema's Storm: Rowan Sisters' Trilogy Book 1
opening. He worked her clit with one hand and finger-fucked her ass with the other while he sucked her breast and thrust into her.
    His spine tingled and his seed surged into his shaft. The middle of his cock filled with blood and the mating knot became engorged, locking him to his mate. The mating knot enhanced his pleasure to an unbelievable level. “Someday, Pema, I will have all of you,” he vowed, his breath coming in pants now. He pistoned in and out of her as much as the knot allowed.
    “Yes,” she cried out as she peaked again. Her body demanded he give up his seed and he was powerless to deny it. He lifted his head, desperate to see her sea-green pools filled with rapture as he erupted. He held her close while he drove into her with shallow thrusts, frantic now to reach that peak with her. Before she came down from her third peak, he rolled his hips and pulled her tighter to his body.
    Unable to hold back any longer, he exploded, his seed spilling into the mouth of her womb. He ground against her harder and she came once again. He was surprised when his thoughts shifted to wondering if they would get a child out of this union. He knew the swelling meant that he was now fertile and for the first time in his long life, he longed for a family with this precious female who had been made solely for him.
    He met Pema’s glowing sea-green eyes. She was so beautiful, his heart ached to have her completely. “One day soon I will claim you for always,” he guaranteed.


    Pema watched Ronan pull away from the curb in front of Black Moon, wondering when she was going to see him again. She was powerless against the mating compulsion and relished that every encounter only brought them closer together. She was falling for Ronan and didn’t care that she was vulnerable to heartache and loss. She hadn’t wanted to be a part of something that had crushed her father’s heart, leaving him a broken male, but the pull was undeniable.
    None of her questions mattered because she knew for certain that he wanted only her. His declarations went a long way to settling her uncertainty. The fact of the matter was that they had both been permanently transformed and there was no going back.
    The glare from a car window had her shielding her eyes. As she turned to call her sisters from the office, she caught a glimpse of a grey Mercedes driving away. Doing a double take, she thought she saw a female with mousy-brown hair that looked exactly like Claire’s. If that witch thought to harm her again, she had another thing coming. Don’t jump to conclusions, her inner voice chided. The poisoning must be making her paranoid, there was no way it had been Claire.
    She heard the click of the back door followed by her sisters’ footsteps. “Damn, I can’t believe you rode him like a bronco in the front of our store. You’re lucky someone didn’t walk in, but I’m proud of you,” Suvi crowed. “We need to get you a rope and boots, with spurs. Giddy-up girl,” Suvi whooped, spinning her finger in a circle above her head as she exited the office, followed by Isis.
    “He is magnificent,” Pema sighed looking out the window. “The Goddess has blessed me with a talented mate and I can’t help myself when he is near.” Her world was spinning on its axis and she was excited for what would come next.
    “Magnificent he may be, sister, but you showed your bare ass to half of Seattle,” Isis remarked as she leaned against a display case. “And, we need to send this chair out to have it cleaned. I can’t sit on it knowing what you guys did. How about the next time you do the shifter, you put a towel down first,” Isis teased.
    She needed to keep her hands off the male, not start fantasizing about the next time. Her mate mark began to itch and burn as her desire rose. “We don’t need to worry about that. We never actually made it into the chair,” she said rubbing at the pain in her arm.
    “I am the worst sister on the

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