Peeping Tom

Peeping Tom by Shelley Munro

Book: Peeping Tom by Shelley Munro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Munro
different from when he was growing up on the savannah and living in a mud hut. Glass surrounded the shower while a gleaming spa bath, large enough for two, filled a corner. A brass pot containing a lacey green fern sat on a shelf near the bath along with a dish of perfumed soaps. He’d earned the luxuries. Persuading Bernard to move their close friends and family to the city was the best thing he could have done. It had certainly helped him attain power and wealth and set the stage for his takeover. A feral grin spread across his face as he reached into the shower to turn on the water. Multiple showerheads sprang to life and steam rapidly filled the cubicle. Joseph stepped beneath the needlelike spray and gave a groan of pleasure when the warm water beat down on his shoulders. Man, that felt good. Nothing better than a good fuck followed by a shower and a gourmet meal.
    And it would be even better when they found the woman. Eliminated the final risk. Joseph rubbed sandalwood-scented soap over his chest and gritted his teeth when he considered the search. Why the fuck was it taking so long? He’d summoned his men to explain. They’d better have answers because he was tired of excuses. He scrubbed the sweat and sex from his body and washed away the soap before switching off the water. Not the relaxing shower he’d envisaged. Joseph grabbed a white towel from the rack near the shower. He dabbed away the worst of the water and checked the bite on his shoulder. The flow of blood had ceased but he made a mental note to ring reception for first-aid supplies. Joseph shrugged into a white toweling robe. Seconds later he padded back into the bedroom.
    The soft murmur of voices came from the lounge area of the suite. Joseph sauntered from the bedroom to deal with his men.
    It was time for results.
    Peeping Tom
    Robert and Lucas came to attention the instant they saw him enter. They sprang to their feet and watched him warily. As well they should.
    “I want to know if you’ve found the woman yet.”
    Robert glanced at Lucas before answering. “We tracked her and the kid as far as Melbourne in Australia. Have some promising leads. We think she might have gone to New Zealand.”
    “Think?” Joseph exploded across the room and backhanded the man across the jaw. Robert’s head snapped back. He staggered off balance before righting himself and wiping the back of his hand across his mouth. Blood showed on his hand and trickled from his lip where Joseph’s heavy gold ring had caught and torn his skin. Satisfaction swept through Joseph. His special secret weapon. It worked every time. Lucas stepped out of range despite his bulk and larger physique. He knew better than to tug on the leopard’s tail when he was pissed. “We have people in New Zealand now following up leads. Our people are professionals. They will find her.”
    “I want results. The woman must die.” Joseph pictured the petite woman in his mind—her luscious body, ripe for the picking. His hand swept down his body, jolting his growing erection. He’d offered her everything. She’d laughed and turned him down. Laughed at him! His lips tightened in determination. By god, he’d have the last laugh. He eyed his men with impatience. What the hell was so difficult about finding and subduing one small female?
    “I will contact our liaison for the latest progress,” Lucas said. Robert’s brow crinkled. “What about the kid?”
    Joseph walked across the broad expanse of cream carpet, past a cream leather twoseater to a glass and chrome sideboard. A silver tray set on the glass top, bearing six whisky tumblers and a decanter full of the best Scottish whisky money could buy. “My cousin’s spawn. Should have been drowned at birth. I want them both dead. Set the assassins on her. I don’t want any messy entanglements when it comes to making the crown officially mine.”
    Shelley Munro
    Lucas nodded respectfully, hiding his real opinion of his cousin. “It will

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