
Pearl by Lauraine Snelling

Book: Pearl by Lauraine Snelling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauraine Snelling
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looked up at Ruby. ‘‘Did you triple the room rate like I told you to do when rich travelers arrive?’’
    Now it was Ruby’s turn to shake her head. ‘‘No, but I did double it, plus a little extra.’’
    ‘‘When are you going to learn?’’ Belle paused for a smoke. ‘‘But that’s better’n nothing. They’ll leave more on the table tonight.’’
    Ruby returned to the kitchen to find Enrique and Cimarron nose to nose.
    ‘‘This is my kitchen, and if I allow you to use it, you will stay out of the way when we are busy. Your marquis can—’’ Ruby took a step forward.
    ‘‘Oh, but mademoiselle, I will teach you . . .’’ He paused at the narrowing of her eyes. ‘‘You will teach me to share with you, and we will both be the richer.’’
    Cimarron’s shoulders relaxed a trifle.
    ‘‘Anyone with glorious hair like yours . . .’’ He kissed the tips of his fingers and threw it into the air.
    Ruby never thought to see Cimarron simper, but she came close.

    When Charlie came home from Dickinson the next day, Opal met him at the door with the news, told so fast all her words ran together into one very long one. ‘‘And so, will you build a box to put behind the stove with a lid on it for Cat so she won’t go hide her kittens somewhere else?’’
    ‘‘Sure. How many did she have?’’
    ‘‘Four. That’s a good number.’’ When the girl tore back upstairs, he greeted Ruby. ‘‘Sorry I’m late.’’
    She waited for him to give an explanation, but when he didn’t, she just nodded. The man had a right to his privacy, the same as anyone else.
    ‘‘I see Opal is dancing on the ceiling.’’
    ‘‘With permanent stars in her eyes. She wondered if maybe we would each like one.’’
    ‘‘Five cats is a few too many.’’
    ‘‘I know. We have guests, the Marquis de Mores and his entourage.’’
    ‘‘I take it you aren’t too pleased about something.’’
    ‘‘Charlie.’’ She stared at him, slowly shaking her head. ‘‘How do you figure things out so quickly?’’
    ‘‘Bartenders tend to learn to read people, that’s all. And your tone of voice said as much and more.’’
    ‘‘Oh. Well, we’ll see how it goes. Thanks in advance for making the box.’’
    Four tables were occupied for supper, and Cimarron’s buttermilk pie brought accolades even from the Frenchman, as Opal had dubbed him.
    Ruby returned to the kitchen feeling somewhat mollified and reassured only to find Cimarron and Enrique once again staring daggers at each other.
    She started to say something, shook her head, and returned to the dining room with one sentence thrown over her shoulder. ‘‘You two figure some way to get along.’’

    That night Ruby searched her Bible for verses to help her be able to overlook the extra man in her kitchen. ‘‘A soft answer turneth away wrath.’’ No help, the wrath was hers. ‘‘Whatsoever ye would that men should do, so ye even so to them.’’ She closed her eyes on that one. ‘‘Love one another as I have loved you.’’ She kept her finger in the page and thought back to the day. So topsy-turvy, laughing one minute and wanting to choke someone the next. Pulled one way and pushed another. Father, I want all people who walk through our doors to feel welcome, to feel as if they have come home and can be both comforted and comfortable here. This is your house, and we are your children, all of us. Please, please help me. Forgive me for my impatience and for being so quick tempered. And thank you for the kittens. Babies are such a special gift. She reread the last verse again. ‘‘Love one another as I have loved you.’’ I suppose you mean Belle too . A soft sigh. Thank you again .
    When she blew out the lamp, she could see the wisp of smoke in the moonlight streaming a square unto the floor. With the window open again for the first time since winter, she could even smell spring. She closed her eyes, thankfulness and a new

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