Payback (Dueling Devils)

Payback (Dueling Devils) by Shyla Colt

Book: Payback (Dueling Devils) by Shyla Colt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shyla Colt
Lefty. “Think I need something harder than coffee. “
    Lefty lifted his mug. “Trust me, this is Irish coffee.”
    “Sneaky fuck,” Demon sneered.
    “Flow, get Pres a cup of coffee Irish style, black.”
    “On it.” Flow jumped and hurried to the coffee machine. His brilliant ink caught Demon’s eyes. He liked the kid, but he always seemed like he should be at an Art school, instead of here with the club.
    “How are things going at the homestead?” Lefty asked quietly
    “Oh , fuck you. Don’t act like you’re not fishing. Yes, there was drama and Ardy handled it like a pro. I set Gia straight. She has some shit going on with her headspace man. We never knew what her background was. It might bear some looking into.”
    “No, we’re not going to invade her privacy like that.” Lefty shook his head. “It’s not like she’s a threat.”
    “No, but she’s damn desperate and if you want that shit to be yours exclusively, you best speak up quick before she does something stupid.”
    “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    Flow set down a mug.
    “Thanks Flow.”
    “Pres.” He nodded and seat down the cup of coffee.
    Demon waited for him to walk away before he spoke, “She’s lost dude. It’s a bad way to be.”
    “Lost? The girl owns her house, has a successful business.” Lefty shook his head. “That’s more together than most people we know.”
    “Doesn’t matter when you’re focused on your past, whatever happened to her was bad shit.” Demon too k a sip of his coffee. “Look I’m just telling. Giving you a heads up.”
    “You think I won’t w ant her now?”
    “No, I think you have your heart set on her and it’s going to be a long ass messy road to being happy.” Demon shrugged.
    “Not everyone has the fairytales where unicorns shit rainbow poop.”
    Demon choked on his coffee. “Where what?”
    “You know what I’m tal king about. I bet Ardy goes into the front yard, sings and woodland creatures come out.”
    Demon laughed. “Fuck you.” The rumble of bikes put him back int o work mode and he stood to greet their sister chapter.

    Demon flexed his muscles and stayed silent as he waited for the clock to hit eight fifteen. He gave the orders to blow the gun warehouse at eight. The row of cars lined up behind him a few blocks over from the club would roll out behind him. Vested and dressed in all black, they looked like a team of swat members ready to go into battle. He gripped the gun in his hand, ready to lead the charge. His watched beeped.
    Go time.
    “Alright, Lefty, punch it.”
    His right hand man gunned the engine and they tore through the fence like it was butter in the massive van. Shots rang out from the man standing guard. Answering fire followed. The door opened and men rushed them. The cars behind them picked them off like fish in a barrel. Bodies hit the ground.
    Demon stroked the barrel, saving his bullets for Louis. The men began to run back inside when they realized they were basically human targets and Lefty floored it. The smash of flesh on the roof and the crack of bone made Demon wince. Shit’s got to hurt. Pulling a drift move, he slid in front of the entrance and the men began to rush the door. Bullets flew with cries of pain and warrior anthems of bravery.
    The thwack of bullets hitting their mark and landing against Kevlar made his ears ache. Gunpowder tickled at the back of his throat and he coughed. His gaze darted back and forth, as he moved through the crowd searching for his target, gun raised and sweeping the air. The call head with the snake coiled around it bobbed as Louis ran toward the back. He aimed.
    A body slammed into him , taking him to the ground.
    “Son of a b itch.” He wrestled with his assailant, slamming the butt of his gun into the long, oily brown hair until it yielded blood and the man went motionless. “Fat fucker.” Demon hefted his frame off him and stayed on the ground, taking in the chaos around him. His people were

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