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Book: Pawn by Aimée Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aimée Carter
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I would disappear, and all of this would be nothing more than a bad memory.
    Daxton settled into an armchair and focused on a glowing screen embedded into the table, pointedly ignoring me. As the jet took off, I gazed out the window, enchanted. I’d never seen this kind of sky before—endless and blue, stretching on for miles over mountaintops. For a moment, I couldn’t wait to tell Benjy about it. Until I remembered I’d be lucky if I ever spoke to him again.
    I fell asleep an hour into the flight, and by the time I woke up, we’d landed. I refused Daxton’s arm as we descended the stairs and stepped out onto the runway, and after my eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight, I saw red and orange trees in every direction.
    “Where are we?” I said. There was a small cluster of buildings nearby, but otherwise it looked like we’d landed in the middle of a clearing in the woods.
    Daxton beamed and spread his arms open wide. “Welcome to the best hunting grounds in the entire country.”
    What made hunting grounds good or bad, I had no idea, but I didn’t ask. Beckoning for me to follow, Daxton stepped forward to meet a group of uniformed guards heading our way. Each carried a pistol, and my pulse quickened.
    This place was different from the market, I reminded myself. I was Lila now, and none of the guards would dare point one of those at a Hart. The only person I had to worry about was the one standing beside me.
    “Your Excellency. Miss Hart,” said the man I assumed was the head guard. He wore a white uniform to the others’ black, and he bowed deeply when he reached me and Daxton. “We have arranged for your visit, and your usual vehicle is ready. Your requested game has been herded into Zone Four, as well.”
    “Fantastic, Mercer,” said Daxton, clapping the head guard on the back. “Is there anyone else here today?”
    “Minister Bradley, sir,” he said. “He is in the lodge.”
    The name Bradley stirred up a memory, and it took me a few seconds to remember he was the mustached man who’d lost the auction. No doubt I wouldn’t have wound up a Hart if he’d won.
    “Come, Lila,” said Daxton, taking me by the elbow. Instead of heading to the nearest building, we walked through the crisp autumn air toward a smaller structure across the asphalt.
    Once I was sure the guards weren’t close enough to hear us, I said quietly, “Do all the ministers come here to hunt?”
    “Yes,” said Daxton, not bothering to keep his voice down. “You remember from our visit last year, of course, when Minister Creed hunted with us.”
    Minister Creed. Knox’s father. “Of course,” I said as we entered the second building. So Lila had hunted with him before. If she’d survived it, maybe I would, too.
    The building was full of circular metal platforms with railings, and connected to them were vehicles that looked like cars with the top half missing. As I tried to figure out what it was for, Daxton greeted another man dressed in a uniform with different shades of green splashed across the fabric. Everyone knew who Daxton was, naturally, but the stunning part was that he seemed to know who they were, too.
    “Your weapon, sir. Fully loaded,” said the man dressed in green, and he handed Daxton a rifle. He didn’t bother to offer me one.
    “Ah, perfect. Lila, after you,” said Daxton, gesturing for me to step up onto the circular platform. He followed, closing the gate behind us. With one hand he held his rifle, and with the other he gripped the railing. I hung on as well, and the platform hummed to life and floated off the ground.
    My eyes widened, and I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from commenting. Lila would have known what to expect, and Daxton stood calmly beside me, as if nothing strange were happening. I clung to the metal bar so tightly that my knuckles turned white, but even though we were floating in midair, the platform didn’t wobble.
    “Ready?” called the driver, and Daxton nodded. I

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