
Pathline by Kaede Lazares Page B

Book: Pathline by Kaede Lazares Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaede Lazares
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benefit .   She glanced around at the others as they started making their way out of the room. 
    Suri made her way o ver to where they were standing. " S o, what's the verdict today Rook?  You joining us?  It's the least you can do since you're putting us through tougher training than any of us has seen in a while." 
    Rook turned and smiled at her as Helo and Malik walked over and joined them.   "You're all making good progress, I'll give you that, as for the training being tough, well that says more about your agency than it does about me" he responded with a wink. 
    They laughed .
    "I'm sure that's true enough" Blythe ad ded as he and Ash walked over.  "So are we getting some drinks and food anytime soon, or are we just standing around admiring the ambiance?" he asked. 
    Rook nodded . "I could always use a good drink . " 
    They made their way to the south wing then Ash and Helo headed to the bar to grab a round of drinks for everyone while the rest of them found a table.  As the group settled on a couple of tables near the patio doors, Rune drop ped a few steps behind.  
    "I'm actually going to call it an early night", she said to them as most had taken their seats. 
    They turned to her and started to object, both Malik and Rook giving her worried looks.
    "Really, you guys have fun, I'll be fine, just looking to catch up on my sleep" she responded, turning and walking away towards the elevator. 
    She glanced back as she went, and shook her head at Malik and Rook, both of whom looked ready to get up and come after her.  She shared the elevator with a couple of others, probab ly new recruits by the looks of them , but thankfully they got off on the second floor.  When the doors opened on the third floor she stepped into the hallway for a second then wandered away. 
    The NSDA base headquarters was located on the outer edge of Pierce city, and Rune's home was located on the opposite edge .  She owned an apartment in a high rise loc ated in a secluded neighborhood .  The building had 24 hour security and double plated mirrored windows on the whole structure .  The tenants here valued their privacy, and paid well for it.  Her place was on the 15th floor, not that she often needed to take the elevator.  She wandered into the entryway, as was her custom, and found a stack of mail on her entry mat that had build up during her absence .  She picked up the mail, flipping through it as she walked, and tossed it into a large bowl she kept at the edge of her kitchen counter for that very reason.  She grabbed a wine glass out of her cupboard and pulled a bottle of wine from her liquor cabinet.  After pouring herself a full glass she wal ked out to her enclosed balcony and sat on a lounge chair facing the downtown skyline.
    It was a gorgeous view, the main selling point of the top floor apartments on this side of the building.  She drank her wine slowly, staring out at the city lights, her mind numb.  After a while she started to feel cold, so she move d to her livin g room couch and turned on her fireplace.  She watched the flames dance and ignored the ringing of her phone when she heard it.  She knew who it would be; there were only a handful of people who had her number.  She remembered the last time she'd been here, the night that Marcus had picked her up for their trip to the capital that had resulted in thei r marriage and public outing as a couple.  She momentarily considered turning on her TV to check if the media coverage of the relationship had died down, but decided against it.  She felt as if everything had changed since that night. 
    Her entire relationship with Marcus had been a whirlwind.  He had won her over in spite of herself.  She avoided socializing with agency colleagues outside of work, but he'd found a way around that somehow.  How he'd managed to get her to agree to their first date was as much a puzzle to her as how he'd somehow managed to convince her to marry him a few days

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