
Pathline by Kaede Lazares Page A

Book: Pathline by Kaede Lazares Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaede Lazares
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use our house money for this, I took extra jobs, and the money I earned on those jobs is mine to spend as I see fit" he said, walking up to her and putting the necklace around her neck. 
    She looked down at the necklace again , with both longing and sadness. " B ut Rook . "
    H e held his fingers over her lips. "I'm not taking that back, it looks great on you.  You see that s ymbol?  That's an old bind-rune; I looked it up, it means inner strength and power .  You can wear this as a reminder of the power and strength you have inside yourself, the power and strength I've seen there all along.   I don't want to see you without it. " 
    She looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "Rook, I don't know what to say, what about you?  You could have used that money to buy yourself something . " 
    He had smile d at her and hugged her tightly. "I don't need anything else, you're my special rune . "
    Rune looked at herself in the mirror, it had been a long time since the day she'd gotten the necklace , and a lot had changed.  She had changed.  She wasn't that girl anymore, but she was still Rune .  She wasn't sure what that meant.  In so many ways her life had gotten a lot better since she'd left the old neighborhood, but it was also a lot more complicated.  She felt lost. Rooks reappearance in her life served as a reminder of who she'd been, and of who she wasn't ; she didn't know where she belonged now.  She put the necklace back on and left the bathroom.  Marcus had already gone to bed.  She went to lie down next to him, breathing in his scent as he wrapped his arms around her.  She was Laura to him, but she wasn't sure what that meant either. 
    The next day progressed a bit smoother on the training front.  Rook went easier on the others now that he knew most of them would listen to what he was saying and would heed his advice.  Rune found it odd to train with him this way, they both were trying to keep themselves closed off from the others, and they both were playing off of each other based on what they knew from years earlier.  They'd both changed.  Neither of them was the same person they'd been before they'd parted ways all those years ago.  They were reaching for each other, but there was a gap there that both of them could clearly feel.  Rook had his place back home, but Rune didn't have any idea what she'd do with her life after she left the agency.  Staying was out of the question, she didn't belong here anymore, if she ever had .  She didn't belong in the old neighborhood anymore either.  She was an outsider even to them.  She found herself distracted during training, and Rook managed to hit her a couple of times, although he didn't seem to take pleasure from his win.  His eyes w a ndered back to her whenever he had a pause between the others. 
    At the end of the day when the two teams came together before being dismissed Agent Donovan and her assistant showed up again.  They pulled Serk and Malik aside to brief them on information their department had been able to gather on the C harger responsible for the plant attack.  Apparently they'd gotten a lead on his possible location and were closing in on a target area.  Serk and Malik in turn briefed the teams and increased the training schedules for the next couple of days.  Most stayed gathered to discuss the day ' s progress and developments after they were all dismissed for the night . 
    Rook took the chance to pull Rune aside.  "Hey, are you okay?  You seemed distracted today; I shouldn't have been able to hit you , I was going easier than yesterday." 
    Rune smiled at him . "I'm fine.  When are you speaking to the others?" she responded, glancing around making sure no one was listening. 
    "I'm calling them back later tonight, what do you say we take up Suri's invitation and go grab some drinks with the others?" 
    Rune looked up at him, it was odd for him to be socializing with the other s so soon; he was clearly making the effort for her

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